60 ♡ instant defeat

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Apart from the run-in you'd had with that strange girl who'd given you the pomegranate seeds, the past few days had been pretty uneventful. This was mainly due to the fact that you spent two of them on house arrest, doing nothing besides cleaning the dorms until they were spotless. But since yesterday, you were officially back in class, and now, so was Izuku.

Today was particularly exciting because you were expecting a visit from your beloved upperclassman. It didn't seem like anyone else knew about this, so you figured it was probably intended to be a surprise. Ever the dutiful student, you kept your mouth shut, although you couldn't help the wide smile that was affixed to your lips.

A few people took note of it, Kirishima being one of them.

"Did something good happen?" he asked. "Or are you just glad to be off your house arrest?"

"Pretty much," you hummed. "I'm glad Izuku-kun's done with his, too. Katsuki-kun still has an extra day to go, but soon enough, everything will go back to normal."

Kirishima let out a heavy sigh. "Man, I still can't believe they fought like that. I mean, I guess I can believe it, since they never get along, but I just wasn't expecting them to take it this far. Starting fights for no reason isn't manly. Although, some things can only be talked out with fists, I feel like. I'm not really sure how to feel about the whole thing."

"It was worth it," you reassured.

"You really think so?"

"Mhm! You'll see eventually. Just trust me."

"Alright." Kirishima proceeded to flash you one of his shark-toothed grins. "If you say so, [Name], then I have no choice but to believe it. You haven't let me down yet, and I doubt you ever will."

You appreciated the vote of confidence. It meant a lot that so many people seemed to trust in your words. Even Aizawa had acknowledged as much the other day. You were used to having people flock to you, but in the past, they rarely spent the time actually getting to know you. Most of them were usually drawn in because of your looks, or due to the effects of your Quirk back when you weren't as good at controlling it.

But now, everyone liked you for you. They valued your thoughts and what you had to say. It sounded like a small thing, but it meant so much more than you could even express.

You glanced over towards Izuku, who was sitting at his desk with furrowed brows and gleaming eyes, gripping his hands together. He was one step short of blowing smoke out of his nose, that was how focused he appeared to be. You'd never seen someone look so eager to be at school.

"Everything good over there, Izuku-kun?" you laughed.

He nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I caused everyone a lot of trouble, and I've gotten behind on coursework too, so I'm ready to bridge the gap between us!"

"Aw," you mused. "It's only been three days. Don't worry, yesterday we just had the same lessons as usual. I nearly fell asleep during Present Mic's English class."

"How bold of you to admit that right in front of me, [Name]," Aizawa glared.


He rolled his eyes. "Anyways, Midoriya's here now too, which makes the last of the missing students who've earned their provisional licenses. We can move onto formally discussing the upcoming internships."

But instead of elaborating, Aizawa merely turned towards the classroom door, which was currently shut.

"Come in," he said, raising his voice slightly. "Let's hear firsthand from those with personal experience how these internships are different from the field training you did before. They've made time in their busy schedules to come and talk to you all, so please listen to what they have to say. These three third-years rank in the top of all U.A. students."

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