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"Over there—I hear screaming!"

The group burst through the forest, emerging to find two of their classmates engaged in battle. Uraraka was on her knees, pressing the female villain's shoulders into the dirt. Tsuyu had been pinned to a nearby tree with one of the villain's weapons. When Izuku and the others stepped out onto the path and called out for their allies, the girl had already kicked Uraraka's legs out from underneath her and run away.

"Shoot!" the brunette wailed. "We need to run after her!"

Tsuyu shook her head. "No, we shouldn't be reckless. We still don't even know what kind of Quirk she has. More importantly, what's happened to you, Midoriya-chan? Those wounds..."

"I'm fine," he brushed off. "I can barely feel the pain. In any case, I'm glad you're both okay. Actually, you should come with us! We're all escorting Kacchan back to the facility."


"You say you're escorting Bakugou-chan?" Tsuyu's brows creased in confusion. "Then, why isn't Bakugou-chan here with you...?"

"What are you guys talking about? Kacchan's right behind—" He paused to look back, breath hitching in his throat. Tsuyu's words rang true. Not only that, but Katsuki wasn't the only one missing. "K-Kacchan," Izuku trembled, "and [Name]-chan... where did they go...?!"

"Ahem. If you're talking about those two, it's rather simple," a voice cut in. Everyone looked up towards the source, where a man was balancing on a tree branch and fiddling with two pale marbles in between his fingers. "I just used my magic to take them, you see."

The color drained from Izuku's face.

"Give them back!"


This sucked.

Never mind the fact that you and your fellow schoolmates had been put through absolute hell tonight, but you were painfully aware of how useless you were right now. It was a very strange sensation, one that you weren't quite sure how to describe. You couldn't move, or even see clearly around you. Everything was black, soundless, and empty. The only good part was that your senses appeared to have been numbed, which meant that you couldn't feel any of the pain from earlier either. The conclusion you'd come to was that this had to have been one of the villains' Quirks. That or you were having a really spooky kind of lucid dream.

"Hello, hello?"

You could hear the sound of your own voice, but it was coming from inside your head. This was really bad. You didn't know where you were, but you weren't able to do anything from in here. What was going on outside? How did the villains even get to you? Last you remembered, you'd been walking with everyone else, holding Katsuki by the hand. Right... you'd been trying to get him to safety, and that was when Aphrodite had spoken to you and everything had gone dark.

"Aphie, you there?"

You chuckled internally, remembering just how happy she'd been when you'd given her that nickname. What a farce. All those things she'd told you, when she'd expressed that she was proud of you for trying to have honest relationships with people and not take advantage of them with your powers... it must've all been one big joke. She didn't care. None of the gods did. This must've been amusing to them, to watch down from above as you struggled like a fool.

"But I'm the biggest joke of all... seriously expecting that they help me. I guess I've gotten used to being coddled."

Yes, you were aware of it. Aware of just how ridiculous you must sound right now. Gods weren't supposed to meddle in the affairs of mortals to begin with; it had been an abnormal situation from the very start, but at some point, that had become the norm for you. Having Ares come down ever so often to see you, even if it was just to flirt shamelessly and tease your friends. You'd gotten used to it, whether you wanted to admit it or not. It was stupid, and you were ashamed just thinking such foolish thoughts, but you felt like you'd formed some sort of bond with them. The ties of blood—your ancestry, of course—but more than that, it felt like you were friends. Family. And right now, as scared as you were, you couldn't help but want to see your family more than ever.

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