06 ♡ sugar cheeks

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"You look down, [Name]-chan. Is something wrong?"

It was just before class, and Izuku was hovering over your desk with a concerned expression. You hadn't really been aware of it, but you must've been scrunching up your brows or staring off into space for too long.

"No, don't worry," you smiled. "I'm not down. Just trying to think of a plan to get ready for the Sports Festival."

"Ah, so that's what it was..."

"What about you, Izuku-kun? I know your Quirk injures you pretty bad, so how've you been training so far?"

The freckled boy stiffened up, letting out a weary chuckle. "Well... I haven't really focused much on my Quirk, now that you mention it. Realistically, I just don't think I'll be able to improve much on it in less than two weeks. I've mainly just been doing strength training and trying to prepare myself for certain scenarios."

"Yeah, that's pretty much what I've been doing, too. Ah-good morning, Katsuki-kun!" The blonde had just stepped into the classroom, and you waved over at him enthusiastically. He stared at you for a moment, confused, then saw that Izuku was right beside you and immediately scowled. He walked over his own desk, ignoring you altogether.

"Y-You've got guts, [Name]-chan," Izuku mumbled. "Calling out to Kacchan like that..."

"Well, seeing as we hung out for a bit yesterday, I was hoping we'd be on better terms," you frowned. "But I guess not."

"Eh? With K-Kacchan?!"

Izuku was looking at you as if you were insane, which was understandable, especially from the standpoint of someone who'd been tormented by the blonde for so long. You still didn't know all the finer details of what had gone down between the two of them. Maybe one day Izuku would trust you enough to tell you everything.

"We kind of ran into each other by the park in your neighborhood," you explained. "I joined him on his jog, even though he was constantly trying to get rid of me, and we got food afterwards. It's not like I was under the impression that we were suddenly best friends or anything. Just was hoping that he'd be a little... I don't know, less of a dick?"

"So that's what happened..." Izuku heaved a sigh. "Still, it's amazing that you were able to convince him to do even that much. I've never known Kacchan to tolerate being around anyone, especially someone that he's known for such a short period of time..."

You laughed. "I guess I'm just good at being pushy."

He flashed you a wobbly smile, then Aizawa walked in and announced that it was time to begin homeroom. A lot of the schedule for the next while was just normal classes, presumably to allow the students to conserve their energy and give them extra time to prepare for the Sports Festival. Maybe if you pestered Katsuki enough, he'd finally give in and agree to train with you. Not that you'd actually use your Quirk on him but fighting one of the strongest people in the class was sure to give you some great experience.

Lunchtime rolled around, and you were going to sit with your usual group, though you'd promised Kaminari and Kirishima that you'd hang out with them at lunch tomorrow. Izuku and the rest went to grab a table while you were still getting your food. The guy waiting ahead of you in line looked oddly familiar, and it took a little while for you to remember where you'd seen him from. His wild, indigo hair stood out a good deal, after all.

It's the guy who declared war on our class...

"Is there something you wanted from me?"

"Huh? Oh." You hadn't even realized you'd been staring, and you stood a step back, a little flustered. "Sorry, I just recognized you from the other day. You came over to Class 1-A to talk about the Sports Festival. I'm [Name]," you introduced, extending your hand out. "You said you're from the General Department, right?"

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