56 ♡ long overdue

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"[N-Name]-chan?!" Izuku stammered. His face had gone white as a sheet. "What are you doing? You should be sleeping right now..."

"I could say the same for you," you frowned, glancing from him to Katsuki. The blonde didn't look quite as panicked as the stuttering boy beside him, but you could still tell that he'd gone somewhat rigid the second you turned up.

Something was wrong here, that much was clear.

"You guys will get in trouble for sneaking out of the dorms in the middle of the night," you fidgeted. You were stating the obvious-they knew as much too, and Izuku wasn't the type of person to break the rules, so the fact that he was out here in the first place was telling enough.

"Go back to your room," Katsuki said coldly. "We have something to talk about. I just didn't want to do it during the day when those other idiots could overhear us. It's easier this way."

"If the teachers find out, you'll really be in for it. Especially after you and I got kidnapped by the League of Villains and Aizawa-sensei chewed everyone out for coming to our rescue. He was saying that he might've expelled people for it. Do you really want to test your luck and risk making him angry?" you persisted.

Izuku was panicking more and more by the second, but eventually, he managed to draw in a slow breath and form his words.

"It's... okay," he said, unwilling to meet your gaze. "Kacchan and I really just have something to talk about, that's all. It'll be quick, so I don't think we'll get caught. I know you're just worried about us, but you should really go back to sleep. You were saying earlier that you felt really drained after the provisional license exam, so..."

He was trying to get rid of you. At first, you felt a bit hurt, because you weren't used to this sort of treatment from someone as earnest as him, but you swallowed your pride quickly enough. He wasn't trying to get rid of you because he didn't want you around. He was doing it because he had something to hide.

"What is there to talk about?" you asked.

"None of your business," Katsuki retorted almost immediately. He lightly tugged Izuku forward by the fabric of his shirt. "Seriously, don't follow us," he glared at you. "I'm not gonna warn you again."

"If that was your attempt at scaring me, you'll have to do better," you scoffed.

"Seriously, give it a fucking rest. This isn't a joke. Just leave us in peace, for shit's sake. How goddamn annoying can you get?"

You were used to dealing with Katsuki by now, and you could tell that he was using harsh words to push you away. But it was too late for that. You weren't going to let them get in a lot of trouble, not when the whole kidnapping incident was still so fresh. If either of them really did get expelled for this kind of behavior...

Honestly, you weren't sure if you'd be able to stomach it.

"I'm bringing both of you back inside with me," you said resolutely. "I'll... even use my Quirk if I have to."

Both of their expressions faltered. They seemed to finally understand how serious you were about this. Officially, you weren't supposed to be using your powers when you weren't authorized to do so, but it was certainly a better alternative than allowing them to get in trouble for something so pointless. Whatever they needed to talk about it, they could do it another time, when it wouldn't cause so many problems.

Katsuki stepped forward, brows knit together impossibly tight. He was angry. He was really angry.

"Don't you dare," he rasped, pulling on the collar of your shirt. He was so close that you could feel his breath against your face. "I'm sick and tired of that shit you pull. Do you get a kick out of playing with people's feelings, or what? I've already told you this is none of your damn business, so why won't you hurry up and fuck off already? You... all you're good for is controlling others, and it makes me want to puke."

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