22 ♡ affectionate storm

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On the third day of your workplace experience, you got to fly again.

"Yay!" you cried out, pressed close against Hawks' chest and giddy with excitement. Having the wind whip through your hair and across your cheeks was such an exhilarating feeling. It counted as training for Tokoyami, since he got to practice using his new move, but it was really just good fun as far as you were concerned.

Hawks cracked a grin at your expression. "How's the speed? I'm not going too fast, am I? I'm guilty of that at times."

"No, it's good. I love it!" you beamed, squeezing your arms around his broad shoulders. His eyes widened for a moment, and he hummed, beating his wings back before hurtling forward with unannounced vigor. He might've been challenging you, or maybe just teasing, but you were having too much of a good time to complain.

Unfortunately, it couldn't go on forever, and it was time to land before you even knew it. Feeling solid ground beneath your feet always felt so foreign in these moments, even if you hadn't been in the skies for very long. What a beautiful power, to fly. You envied him.

"I'll never get used to this if you keep going so fast," Tokoyami grumbled.

"Ha-ha, my bad. I got a little carried away." Hawks patted your shoulders, making sure you were stable and not feeling nauseous. "It's a good time though, isn't it? After a long day of work, I mean. Well, maybe for Tokoyami it still requires a good deal of effort on his part, but you enjoy it, don't you, [Name]-chan?"

You nodded happily. "Yes! I'd probably never get sick of it. It just sucks that I won't have a chance to do it again after this internship is over."

"Hm, I wonder. Come by my office sometime," he grinned. "I'm sure I can work something out for a cute intern of mine."

As always, your cheeks flushed from his tendency to weave subtle flirtatious remarks into almost any situation. You knew your embarrassment was a little silly, and truth be told, it was a bit of a weird sensation. It usually took a lot to faze you, and you'd always been rather forward yourself. It was probably since he was older than you. Even with your Quirk, you could never quite imagine yourself getting the upper hand on a guy like Hawks.

"I'll probably send you guys home after treating you to some dinner," Hawks said, reaching into his pocket for his phone. Almost immediately after, you felt your own phone buzz. If you took an extra second, you might've noticed the way the hero's expression sank.

Hm? Izuku-kun texted me.

Except it wasn't really a text. For some reason, he'd sent you a ping of his location. By the looks of it, he was in Hosu, which was odd, since you were pretty sure his internship was taking place somewhere else. Maybe he was just patrolling around the area.

"...oh, shit."

You looked up towards your mentor, and only then did you realize that the atmosphere had shifted. He'd gone from simply staring at the screen of his phone to pressing it up against his ear. He was talking to someone, and it was quite possibly the first time you'd ever seen him look upset.

"Right," Hawks nodded, his eyes steadily darkening. "Hosu, is it? I'll make my way over now. I have some interns here. Be there as soon as I can."

Your stomach began to churn. "What's in Hosu?" you couldn't help but ask, but the look in his eyes as he hung up the phone said it all. There's no way he'd be heading over there if it was good news.

"Something's come up," he replied somberly. "I need to fly out right away, so I'm sorry I can't stick around any longer. There's been an outbreak of Nomus in Hosu district. If I head there at my top speed, I might make in time to at least help with damage control and evacuations."

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