20 ♡ chicken nuggets

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The Winged Hero, Hawks. At only eighteen years old, he'd started his own hero agency, and within the second half of the year, he'd already ranked in the Top 10 of Japan's Hero Billboard Chart. Now, four years later, he'd solidified his place as the third highest ranked hero. In terms of popularity alone, he was second only to All Might himself. He was a strong, cunning hero who'd risen up through his genius and charisma.

Right now, you were interning for that very man.

"Welcome, welcome!" Hawks was every bit as sociable as you'd imagined, having grinned ear-to-ear the second you stepped into his office. "Tokoyami, and [Name]-chan, right?"

You nodded fervently; your feathered classmate did the same. This was him. You were seriously here. The Hawks. And he was even more good-looking in person.

Hawks pulled out a paper from his pocket and pursed his lips. "Lemme just make sure I'm getting these right. We've got Tsukuyomi and... Aphrodite? Correct?" When you both gave him another affirming nod, he stashed the paper and crossed his arms, smiling once more. "Those are good names. Memorable ones. Heroes need to leave an impression, after all."

"Thank you for your praise," Tokoyami murmured, bowing his head just so. You smiled hurriedly, still feeling a little starstruck.

"Um, what he said!" you chirped. "Thank you so much for nominating us, Hawks."

Hawks threw his head back and chuckled. "Oh man, there's no need to thank me! I should be thanking you guys for accepting. I saw a lot of potential in the two of you, and acted on it as soon as possible. I'm a bit of a greedy guy. Talented heroes-in-training are always welcome at the Hawks Agency!"

You kept smiling. A part of you was still wondering what exactly he'd seen in you. Tokoyami's strength was clear as day, but the display of your Quirk during the Sports Festival had been shocking and confusing at best. Then again, Hawks was known to be a little playful and eccentric. The mystery of your powers was probably appealing to him in some way.

Whatever. I'm here now, and that's good enough for me!

The hero began with a tour of his office. As expected of someone who was so high up the hero ranking, he had tons of people working under him. They were almost all kind, friendly faces, and you were sure that had to do with the fact that Hawks had screened all of them himself. He was on good terms with everyone, too. Usually, bosses were somewhat detached from their employees—other than their trusted sidekicks—but Hawks seemed up to date with all the news, everything that was going on in all of his colleagues' lives. The fact that he was so hands-on meant that he would not only ensure the quality of the work, but also that he was able to form meaningful and trusting connections with each and every one of them.

"And that's probably it for the office," Hawks smiled, concluding his tour. "Any questions?"

Tokoyami raised his hand. "Not about the office, per se, but how do we determine what we start with? Does it depend on our level of experience, or...?"

"Wow, you're a real go-getter, huh? I usually just start with patrols, so that you can familiarize yourselves with the area, and most importantly, the people."

"The people," you nodded. "Right, the people feel more at ease seeing heroes regularly patrol the streets, especially when those heroes become a familiar face to them. It helps build trust, and also increases the heroes' public standing."

"That's exactly right, [Name]-chan!" Hawks jabbed his index finger out, lightly tapping you on the tip of your nose. You blushed a bit, watching as his red feathers began to ruffle. "As a reward, we'll make sure to pick up some fried chicken during our patrol!"

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