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Jungkook was sitting on the hospital bed he saw jimin entering inside with a angry face.

Jimin: do you have any idea of what you have done?

Jimin asked with a serious face which clearly showed his anger.

Jimin: what if something happened to you or your baby? What will i say to eomma and jin hyung? I promised to take care of you kook.

Jungkook lifted his head and looked at jimin with teary eyes.

Kook: what will i do if something happens to my husband? What will i say to our baby if something happens to him?

Jimin's heart softened after hearing kook's words he sat beside kook and hugged him softly who put his head on Jimin's shoulder and started to sob.

Jimin: why didn't you tell me that you are pregnant?

Kook: you won't let me join the meeting if I told you that I'm pregnant.

Jimin: yeah, yeah Now that you are forbidden from entering the gang house by your hubby.

Jimin said with a naughty smile. Jungkook lifted his head and looked at jimin with a frown.

Kook: why?

Jimin: he is scared of you again risking your life for him and moreover that he is in love with you.

Jungkook looked at jimin with a questionable face.

Kook: did he remember everything?

Jimin: no, but congratulations Mrs kim you made him fall for you all over again and congratulations for carrying that dumb head's baby.

Kook: don't call him dumb head.

Jungkook looked down with and adorable pout which made jimins heart melt.

Jimin: yeah yeah not dumb head but a stupid who is jealous of your husband.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion

Kook: he is jealous of my husband? That means he is jealous of himself.

Jimin:yeah, but he doesn't no that he is your husband.

Jungkook laid back on the bed feeling frustratated.

Kook: aaah this dumb man is making me go insane.

Jimin: see i said he is dumb.

Jimin laughed hard at Jungkook's cute reaction. Jimin felt a little relieved after watching the younger enjoying after a whole month.

Jimin: is there any Bunny magic with you? You made that man go crazy for you, not once but twice.

Jungkook looked at jimin and smiled like a cute little bunny.

Kook: it's not magic but that's how deep he loves me. May be I'm not present in his memories but i'm in his soul just like how he is present in mine. No matter how many times he forget about my existence his heart will only beat for me, that man is mine.

Jimin smiled at him and slowly pulled the younger to his embrace.

Jimin: he has already proven his love by falling for you again and I'm sure god is just testing your love just don't give up.

Kook: I will never give up on him hyung.

Just like they were talking at that time someone entered inside the room. Jungkook pulled himself out from jimin's embrace and looked at door and found jin standing there, jungkook looked down not having courage to look at jin's face.

Jin: do you have something to explain Mrs kim?

Jin asked to kook while walking towards his bed. He didn't get any response so looked at jimin and said.

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