Chapter 10

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When  break ended Travis and Eve went to their next period being French. Travis sat where he had sat in the morning which was close to Eve so he atleast had someone to talk to. Ms. Bissette came in with a beautiful smile on her face, she stood infront of the class and began to talk about literature things that Travis barely understood. Mind you she said all of this in French.

' I hope this ends, because I'm doing to die.' He thought in pain.

The period ended and Travis rejoiced. They were no going to Music Class which is the class which one of his favorite ladies in the game teaches. Ms. DeWitt. She was not only beautiful but also had a thick bodacious body which was extremely hot.

When they entered the class, she instantly brought her focus on Travis and winked at him, he winked back without even slight hesitation , this made him look confident and proud to her by his extremely fast.

' He's the new kid, from his Photo I expected him to be timid or weak. But he seems to be strong from the vibe around him. ' She thought to herself as a smirk slowly crept on her face, Travis sat down on and waited for her to come back from her thoughts.

" Class today we'll be learning how to read music. It's a difficult thing but I'm sure that, if you understand the basics. So let's start. These are the five things you need to do.

• Think of Music as a Language.

• Focus on the Basic Symbols.

• Count Silently Every Time You Read.

• Practice Reading Music without Your Instrument.

• Pace Yourself.

Firstly you all need an instrument. "

Travis looked as everyone took out their own instructions, he looked to see if there were any other Instruments and he saw none.

Ms.DeWitt came up to Travis and said." Travis I'm happy that you've finally came back to school honestly. But due to your absence the school sort of took you out the system so we don't have an instrument for you. "

He nodded in response then asked." I understand, could I bring my own instrument?"

Ms. DeWitt thought for a second, then nodded. " Yes you can, which instrument do you play?"

" I play The Keyboard. ' Straight Cap' I have one at home so I thought of bringing it"

" That's fine. You should first sign up at the school so when it gets stolen they'd be able to cover it for you. I'll get you the sheet of paper. While everyone is doing that, why don't you sit back and listen"  With a  bright smile in her face, Ms. DeWitt said with a kind tone. Travis smiled back, her beautiful smile could easily turn his mood around, plus her body, could make him into a pervert just by staring her.

" Alright then" He walked back to his seat and listen as they did their thing. Every single thing she said,  went into his made and latched itself into it. He remembered everything, and he knew that this wasn't normal.

When the period ended, Ms. DeWitt called Travis to the side, He told Eve that she could wait outside which she did.

" There's a talent show in three weeks. If you would like to perform, either a band or solo, you can sign up here. Take this paper. Now remember to sign your instrument up okay "

He nodded then he walked out the class, Eve and him went on to the their second last night class of the day being, Arts class.

After entering just like before, the teacher  asked to see him.

" You must be  Travis I am Ms Ross. I love your eyes , they horbor a feeling of a man who's extremely powerful and intelligent. I would like to have a conversation with you, not now though, it's time for class, so let's continue this some other time"

So they went in, Travis was pretty bored off all these teachers wanting to have a word with him, can't he just get in and slack off like he normally, he honestly couldn't wait for tomorrow, when everyone would start seeing him as normal.

Ms. Ross began with her topic. " What is Art, its the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Everyone can be an Artist, you just need to have an Artists mind set. That does not mean you need to follow someone's route. Instead you need to make your own. "

Travis has drawn somethings before and he's pretty good at it, it has been awhile since he's done anything but he's sure that if he started drawing again, he'd be great at it.

In this class Travis was sitting with Mia, who is also his childhood friend, but due to her mom, they've gotten distant.

" Travis it's nice to finally talk to you. I wish I could've came and spoke to you before but my mom is such a pain. So how have you been?" She asked, Mia was extremely beautiful, but Travis wasn't that into her. Not that he wasn't going to fuck thought.

" Fine I guess. What about you, last I checked your mom was an extreme dictator " He said, which made her laugh.

" She still is, and I don't like that. I kind wish things could return to how it was before...."

After a moment of silence she continued.
" Hey since your back at school, why don't we study together, I'll help you with revision and stuff"

" That would be great. Should we go to the library?" He asked

" Yes, that's a great place to study in. When should we start?" She asked.

" Why don't we start, tomorrow, today I'm hella busy" He replied.

Mia nodded then took her phone out.
" You can put your number in my phone, well discuss some topics that we don't understand to each other when needed."

" Won't your mom kill you if she finds out I put my number in your phone?"

" No she doesn't check it for some reason. So I'm perfectly fine. We should concentrate because Ms. Ross doesn't do any revision"

They both return their focus back to the front which is wear Ms. Ross showed them the power of creativity and imagination. This class was very interesting in Travis's opinion, it's not a class where the student has to take notes. Instead you listen then work with what you've learned. Pretty awesome class.

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