Chapter 14

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On the very next morning Travis our Main Character woke up. He was extremely happy, he was pretty much as rich as can be, for a guy at his age. Slow sitting up on the edge of the bed Travis gazed at the bright sun outside his window. Fueled by its beauty he got up from his bed and stretched his body, he suddenly got dizzy and fell back to his bed. A few seconds later he got up again then started his morning work out routine.

After 30 minutes he was done, he opened his door and was met with the sight of Debbie wearing a towel around her body as she walked out the bathroom. Travis walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist as she was turned facing the other side.

Debbie was surprised by this, she her head to face his direction, seeing the cold faced Travis staring at her made Debbie feel a bit aroused for some reason.

" Honey you're awake." She smiled brightly as she kissed his cheek. " Get ready for school Okay, it wouldn't be good of you to be late"

He nodded then let her go, Travis entered the shower and did his things, 10 minutes later, now done with everything he got to his room and dressed. Before he went downstairs to eat, Jenny stopped him in his tracks.

" Hey, here's your money. Now I don't owe you okay" She sent the money into his account, Travis checked his phone and nodded. He got closer to her and rubbed her head. Which made her pause in shock.

" Thanks, if you need any money again, just ask . okay?" After that he left the floor and went to the dinning room.

' What just happened?' She wondered in bewilderment.

Travis ate his breakfast, after that he walked out his house. But what he was met with was surprising, Travis saw a black car. In the car a man got out and walked to him. He knew very well who this was, and he wasn't going to take any of their shit. So Travis hurriedly took his phone out and called the police. Right now he wasn't in any way ready to deal with them. So he'll just have to rely on the Cops.

He didn't speak, he dropped the call as soon as they answered. The man came up to him and smiled.

" Ahhh, you're  Frank's boy. Now could you let us in, we need to speak to your mother." He said.

Travis stood their in silence, he didn't bother saying anything.  He just stared at him, showing zero fear on his face. Some might say this was an act of stupidity. But Travis wanted to prove a point, the point being that he's not a pussy.

" What is this, you can't speak. Maybe it's because of my accent that you don't understand me. Well that doesn't matter" He smirked as he neared him, the man threw punch towards Travis's gut. Travis's body moved out the way without him even thinking.

' Damn I got nice relaxes. I didn't even need to process his movement. ' he thought.

Suddenly the sound of loud sirens sounded in the area as a police car came zooming to their location.

" I think you better leave before they get here. " Travis with a smirk, The man frowned and hurriedly turned back then ran to his car. The driver stepped on the pedal and they drove off at fast speeds.

A few seconds later a car came and stopped by Travis's house. A beautiful Asian woman came out the car, she stared at Travis closely and slowly walked up to him.

" Sir you called, is there any problem?" She asked.

" You just missed it. Well it doesn't matter, you can speak to the lady inside. Tell her some debt collectors tried to threaten me. I'm late for school now, so peace"

Travis started running leave Yumi stunned for the most part. Debbie and Jenny looked out the window and so Yumi standing on their lawn. She walked out , Yumi approached them and greeted her.

" Miss, you son called for the cops a few minutes ago. When I came here I found that the problem had just left or maybe it's a prank.  Ohh he said some debt collectors came"

This sentence sent her into shock. ' They came here, I've been receiving so many calls from them. I thought maybe they had let the matter go since I haven't been receiving calls anymore.  Now they've come to our home. This is bad' she thought.

" Its not a prank, could we enter and talk about it, I think your car as gathered the attention of the neighbors" She said as she stared at the houses across their street. Yumi nodded ,she first turned the siren off then got inside the house.

< Summerville College>

Travis was now at the doors of his school entrance, as he was about to enter, Mrs. Smith came out and stood there with a long frown on her face. He wondered what could have possibly made her mad, I mean he hasn't done anything.

" Travis, you're late" She said.

He checked his phone and saw the time, he was only but a minute late. Raising his head up and facing her cold glare Travis couldn't help but sigh.

" I'm sorry Mrs. Smith I won't do it again" He said nonchalantly. This made her mad, going down the stairs and stopping at the first fight step, which made her taller than Travis.

" I don't think you're sorry, but don't worry after I'm done with you, you will be sorry" She said.

She then began to pull him by the hand, Travis had no other choice but to let her do this, or he would make things worse. Soon he was now on the third floor, she pulled Travis into her office and pushed down to her chair.

"You see Travis ,you might not know this but this school is extremely punctual about its rules, meaning even if you're a minute late, it's still considered as being late. Now as this institutions head I am in charge of coming up with a punishment for you. So come to my office late after hours. Okay"

Travis nodded which made her smile, this shocked him, he had never seen her smile in the game, today might be the worst day of his life.

" You may leave now."

He got up from the chair, walking passed her then leaving the room right after. Travis took a moment to think of what just happened, he didn't know so he just walked away. He soon got to the first floor and went to his registration class.

" Travis you came, now take you seat I'm marking the register " Ms. Bissette said, he nodded then walked to his seat.

" Travis, you good?" Eve asked in worry.

"I'm great, oh I'm sorry for not pulling up yesterday, i was busy with something. Hey why don't you just get my number so that you can check to see if I'm coming or not?"

" Yeah that'll make stuff easier, here put yours and I'll put mine" He gave her his phone and she gave him hers. After saving their numbers , they gave each other their phones back and smiled happily. 

" Now tell me Eve, are you ready for Gear five episode?" Travis asked, Eve giggled with excitement and said" of course I am"

" Good, why don't you come over to my place and we'll watch it together?" He asked.

" Sure"

While he was speaking with her like this, two girls were staring at them, being Mia and Judith.

'They're very close. I'm jealous to be honest ' both girls thought.

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