Chapter 11

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When the class ended everyone stood up and packed their stuff, he and Eve walked out the class together, leaving Mia standing there quietly in wonder if Travis and Eve were that close.

" So we're going to Gym Class now. What do you all do there by the way?" Travis asked.

Gym Class wasn't in doors, they would meet out in the grounds and do work outs.

" We Work Out. All kinds of exercises that you might think of, we do. That's all I can say. Also we have to change into our Gym wear, just go to your locker and you'll find yours."

" Alright, so why don't I meet you there,  I'll go to my locker and take my stuff" He suggested, Eve agreed and hurriedly ran towards the Lockers.

He went to his locker and checked to see what was inside. It was had two items which isn't surprising I mean he hasn't been to this college before, he did see a sheet of paper which has his grades.

' F- everywhere. This just discourages me ,  I should just take my Gym clothes' he thought in melancholy, Travis took his stuff and closed the locker. He quickly ran towards the changing rooms, he saw a bunch of girls complaining to Coach Bridget.

" How the hell do you expect us to share a bathroom with the boys!"  A girl shouted.

" I don't expect you to, but you have no other choice. So if you have any complains, keep them to yourself, now get changed before i force you to" She said in an intimidating tone, making the girls shiver, She the walked off from the crowd. Coach Bridget saw Travis standing there and her frown turned into a smirk.

" Wow look what the cat brought out the bag, Travis the boy who didn't come to school for the past three week, your grades are on the ground, now let's see if your body will be after my intense work out. Get changed boy, because I don't like to wait" She got closer and closer as she said this, stopping right in his comfort space.

" Um sure, what do I get if I'm not on the ground?" He asked with a smile.

" You get a chance to live. Now go maggot!"

He nodded then walked towards the changing room, he saw the girls Standing by the door and staring at the boys with intensity.

" We'll go in first, after that you can go in" Their leader being, Roxxy at the moment. He gave her a bit of a stare since he liked how she looked in real life, her large breasts were as accurate as they game, as also had an extremely curvy body, which is different from the game. Her friends were also hot.

He personally like Missy with her quirky personal, but if it came to body wise, Becca was the one who takes the biscuit. She is extremely hot, she might even be better than Roxxy, he'll just have to check. Also her mom. Damnnnn.

" Why do we have to listen to you? Thats our changing room, so why don't you just step to the side and let us in" The leader here was someone Travis didn't know.

" Who even are you, you literally have no significance in this school. " Roxxy said making her friends laugh.

The guy blushed from the shame and walked back into the group of guys. The girls turned around and walked inside the changing room and locked the door.

" Those darn girl, who do they think they are" The guys said, Travis stood on the side and didn't bother listening to anyone, he checked the crowd of dudes and saw a familiar face, being the wonderful Judith standing there with her face down.

' Guess this is how to the story start for me and her. Even though in the game it didn't go any further. '

He approached her with a smile and when he got near her, she brought her eyes up to his face. She instantly blushed and dropped then down again.

' Travis, why is he here. Does he want to speak with me, no I doubt that, I'm sure he doesn't even know my name. ' She thought in a sad tone.

" You must be Judith right?" Travis said as he stood there beside her. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

" Y-yes I- I am Judith." She replied stuttering.

" Cool, I'm Travis. You might not remember this but back in High School we were in the same class" He said.

' What, he actually knows about my existence!!'

" I do remember, in fact we sat next to each in Math Class"

" For real, ohh yeah. You were pretty smart back then, the teacher would always ask you for the answer. "

This made her blush and shake her head in response. " No I wasn't that smart, by the way I heard about your dad and I'm really sorry" She said.

" Ohh that, you don't have to worry about it. What are you doing here anyway, don't you need to change?"

Her smile slowly dropped as she looked back down. " Yeah I don't want to change while everyone is there"

" Why thought "

" I forgot,  this is your first day, well I'm being bullied you see, for my abnormally huge breast, is what they call them" She said, flashing Travis a dishonest smile which made him show concern on his face.

" That's not cool of them to say that. Have you tried telling them off or something?" He asked.

" No, I'm not good at talking or arguing, so I just let them say all that, don't worry thought, I'm alright with it" She said.

" No you're not, I can pretty much tell that this botheres you. Hey why don't we go somewhere and change instead of waiting here" He said, Judith turned towards Travis with widened eyes filled with surprise, a smile grew on her face as she shook her head.

" Sure but where will we go?"

" The girls bathroom of course, last I checked its only busted due to some water damages right, so let's go in there, I'm sure it's not all wet" He said, She nodded and they proceeded to walk there, it was basically on the opposite side of the boys room.

They opened the door and saw a water puddle, Travis leaped over it, and Judith followed, but when she landed ,her foot slipped and resulted in her falling forward, He caught her fall, he felt the complete bliss of her breasts landing on his chest.

" Oh, Thanks Travis" She said with a bright smile, realizing their position she hurriedly pulled herself back and walked away.

He smiled then closed the door shut.

' Damn, so much graffiti. This place is the complete opposite from the boys locker room'

" You can change in one of the stall, I'll do it right here." He said as he took his hoodie off, his shirt underneath was raised, which revealed his toned torso.

' Wow' she thought staring right at him with eyes filled with focus. He finished taking his upperhand clothing off and looked her.

" Whats up, like what you see?" He asked with a smirk, she blushed and turned back from him." I'll go ahead and change" She sad with a meek tone and ran into the stall.

Travis laughed a bit, then continued to change his clothes. After that he waited for Judith, a minute later she came out and hurriedly jogged to him, resulting in her breast bouncing up and down.

" Wow you really have large knockers" He said as he stared at them. She blushed then covered them.

" Do you not like them." Asking him with a cute voice.

" No , in fact I'd enjoy it very much if they were plopped on my face." He answered with zero shame.

Judith giggled then approached Travis " Do you really feel that way?" She asked again.

"Yeah, but let's talk about this when we're done okay, we should hurry and go" He said turning around and leaving the room, she ran after him and closed the door behind her.

' Huh, that was too much stimulation ' he thought , the scene of Judith's breasts bumping up and down made him feel extremely horny , he had to hold the urge to motorboat her titles.

' My drive is on high right now. I need some water or I'm gonna go crazy' he thought.

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