Chapter 35

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Judith stared at all of this with shock. She didn't know what Travis had done, but he was somehow able to make Annie submit to him. She had never thought that something like this would ever happen, especially when looking at Travis, who had a smirk on his face. She wondered what he had said to her.

He looked back at Judith and said, "Wait here. I'll be back in a second. While you wait, talk to Annie here. I'm sure she'd like to speak with you." He then walked inside the office, leaving Annie and Judith in deep silence.

Annie was embarrassed to the core. She had never felt like this in her life. She was so embarrassed that she couldn't even face Judith without cringing. But Judith, being the girl she was, understood what Annie was feeling from her own experience, of course. So she decided to fix that problem.

"Annie, just so you know, I won't tell anyone about what I saw," she said. Hearing this, Annie hurriedly looked up and faced Judith with widened eyes. She couldn't even fathom the reason why Judith would be nice to her at the moment. Then she thought of Travis, remembering what he had in store. She thought maybe Judith was in the same situation.

"I'd really be grateful if you did that," Annie said earnestly.

Judith was yet again shocked, resulting in Annie getting slightly angry.

"What, do you not accept my apology?" she asked.

Judith hurriedly denied that. "No, no, it's not that. I'm just shocked by how you present yourself. I'd never picture you apologizing to someone, that's all," she said.

"Ohh, well, I want you to know that I appreciate you. It's hard keeping our school's order, so I must make myself a fierce persona," she said, lowering her head down while speaking.

Thinking back, Annie couldn't even remember what type of girl she was. This made it hard for her to even try to return to her usual self. Then again, she would never tell anyone that.

"So you're not all cranky, I thought that maybe you're just naturally like this," Judith said with a slight chuckle.

"No, I'm not. But let's not talk about that. Let's move on to more serious matters, which include you. I want you to know that I've been trying very hard to keep people from bullying you. But as literally the only person in the council, it's very hard to keep a record of everyone. So I genuinely want to apologize to you for that," she said.

Hearing this, Judith smiled happily. She pulled Annie into a hug, which surprised her a bit. But feeling the warmth, she returned it. Just because Annie is normally a Hitler incarnate, that does not mean she's not just a normal girl with needs. At home, her dad is pretty much nonexistent, but her mom is always there for her, which makes her think more about that. She had never really thanked her mom, and right now she felt overwhelmed by guilt. So Annie told herself that she would tell her mom what was in her heart.

This is one of the examples that show that Travis is causing a very great butterfly effect just by changing some things. Right now Annie isn't a robot; she's actually a living person with emotions of her own, as well as large insecurities, which he would help her fix up in due time. The funny part is that he is sort of oblivious to this.

Right now, Travis is currently sitting in Mrs. Smith's chair as she sucks and licks on his neck. She is very skilled in this, so much so that it gets his dragon to its full power. He looks at her as she does this and smiles.

"You can stop now, Louis. I think I should leave. If you need me, you can just send a text. I'll be there before you even send the text," he says, giving her a smooch before getting up. Taking the Keyboard, which was boxed up, he leaves the office room, leaving Mrs. Smith with a red hue on her cheeks. She doesn't know why, but Travis is so charming to her. He doesn't even try, but he is able to make her heart skip multiple beats.

'I'm acting like a high school girl. I should calm down before I accidentally smile in front of my colleagues,' she thinks.

Travis sees Annie and Judith sitting on the bench as they speak to each other. He smiles then approaches the two. Seeing Travis walk up to them, the girls feel their hearts start to beat even faster than they normally would.

"It's nice to see that you two have become close friends. You can stay here with her, Judith. I'll vouch for you. If Mrs. Smith asks, tell her I said so and she'll let you go. Alright, see you two later," he says.

He leaves and goes to Ms. DeWitt's class. When he gets there, he hears someone playing the violin, which honestly sounds very good. He walks in and puts his Keyboard on the wall.

"Ohh, Travis, you're finally here. We can now begin. Wait, where is Judith? She's supposed to play the flute," she asks.

"Well, she needed to help Mrs. Smith with something, so she won't be coming to class," he replies.

"Okay, that's alright. Take your seat. We'll be trying out some new notes today. Don't be afraid to mess up, and don't worry about people hearing you in the next class. This room is totally soundproof," she says, giving Travis a glance as she says that, which makes him smirk.

'She's so flirty. I wonder who takes the biscuit between her and Ms. Bissette. Also, I gotta get closer to Ms. Ross as well. I haven't really thought about that until now,' he thinks.

So they all start playing their instruments. Using the information they have learned in the past few days, they read the notes and start to make them into sound. Travis, who uses his whole IQ, easily grasps the notes and makes soothing sounds. Mia, Missy, and he are the only people who don't sound like ass.

He is honestly surprised about Missy, and he wonders about the lore behind her music proficiency, which he will find out when he asks her in the future. Moving on.

"Wow, I'm so proud of all of you. I'd say you've advanced greatly in just two days. I'm sure if we stay at this pace, you all might like to participate in the talent show," she says with a bright, happy smile. She is very proud of everyone. None of them have lowered her expectations. They are all perfect, even though they mostly sound like ass. But it's ass that can be fixed through hard work.

"Now I'd like you all to connect your instruments to your earphones. I want you to practice using that. Oh, also, for the people who don't have electronic instruments, you can practice during break time or after school in my class. But at 18:00, you all have to leave," she says.

They all agreed. Melody nods, then goes to her seat and takes a book out of her bag and starts reading it.

'I'm pretty sure if I do this enough times, I'll be as good as some worldstars. But I'm pretty sure nobody wants to see me do that kind of shit. In fact, even I don't. In my opinion, music can never be expressed perfectly in a novel. Unless you're on Wattpad, of course,' he thinks.

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