Chapter 43

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He went back downstairs and entered the kitchen. He felt like getting something to eat; it had been some time since he had eaten anything. Travis opened the fridge and found his food perfectly wrapped by Debbie, with his name tagged on it. He looked up into the sky and thanked God for such a wonderful stepmother. He took the food out and placed it into the microwave.

<Debbie's room>

She was currently sitting on her bed, reading a novel she recently found on the web called Eroge GOD. The story wasn't that captivating, but the thing that got her addicted was the characters and how detailed the author was when making them. She then heard the sound of the microwave in the kitchen. She sighed, thinking that it was Jenny stealing Travis's food again; this was not the first time.

"I even put a tag on the food, that girl," she thought.

Debbie got off her bed and walked out of her room. She tied her gown using the rope as she walked, glancing over at the fast asleep Yumi who was exposed due to her casual way of sleeping. She smiled briefly, walking up to her and covering her body with a blanket. She then went to the kitchen, and the person she found was very surprising. Travis was sitting atop the counter, staring at the microwave as the timer counted down.

"Oh Travis, it's you," she said in a slightly elated tone. Some time had passed since she had spoken to Travis; he leaves extremely early every day due to school, and he's always out with his friends at night. She had grown to miss the time she had spent with him during the break.

Travis turned towards her with a smile. He missed her as well. He looked at her figure and couldn't help but feel the urge to ravage her. He knew that this was just his Hanma Template, so he wasn't surprised by his thoughts.

"Debbie, yeah, it's me. Are you alright?" he asked as he got off the counter and approached her. She gazed upon his figure as well; Travis's tall stature was very overwhelming. Yet not in a bad way; she felt as if Travis was someone who could be there even in her worst days. This feeling boosted her morale, as she was in a difficult situation at the moment with the debt collectors.

"Yes, I am. You're back early tonight, did something happen?" she asked curiously. Travis stood beside her as he put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. Debbie wasn't bothered; in fact, she enjoyed this clingy side of him.

"No, I just felt like coming home early today, is all. How's Yumi? It must be hard for her to move into a stranger's house."

"Yes, you're right. She's kind of struggling to get used to our family's norms, such as Jenny walking around half-naked, but she quickly got used to that since they're both women. But she's getting used to stuff now; she even helps me clean. Today we both vacuumed the whole house together while jamming to some tunes. It was really fun. Of course, Jenny complained most of the time due to the noise, but it was still fun."

"That's nice to hear. What about you then? Tell me about how you're taking the predicament," Travis said.

"Me? Well, I'm not as stressed as before, that's one thing. I just want all this to pass. I hate the feeling of being worried every time I see you off to school. So I guess I'm not that good, but I'd say I've been worse,"she said.

Travis listened attentively. He was also bothered by the sight of her being worrisome for him. He knew that he could simply solve everything, but he still wanted to milk this situation for a while before he could finally solve everything.

"Don't worry, Debbie. It will all be over. Before you know it, we'll be back to normal," he thought to himself, although he knew that their relationship would be anything but normal once he could finally have his harem.

"I hope that day comes. Well, it's getting late. I should probably go to sleep. Don't forget to do your homework, Travis. Your teachers sent me your report card. You have to pull up your socks if you want to pass. But don't stress too much. I believe in you, okay?" Debbie said, her voice filled with concern.

"Don't worry, I have everything under control," Travis replied confidently. Debbie smiled and tiptoed to give Travis a kiss on his cheek.

"Goodnight, Travis. I'll see you in the morning," she said, her angelic voice resonating in his ear. Travis stared at Debbie as she turned and walked away, her hips swaying with each step. He couldn't help but smile.

"Fuck, I need to let loose. I guess Judith is going to be getting this cock tomorrow," he thought to himself, his thoughts veering towards his other romantic interests.

He took his food and began to indulge in the meal that Gordon Ramsey would rate SSS tier if such a rating scale existed. When he was done, Travis washed his dish and gulped down some apple juice. He was now full, and it was time for him to clean up the mess he had made.

The next morning, Travis woke up on the grass lawn, his skin uncomfortable from the rough surface. But his growling stomach was his priority.

"I'm so hungry," he thought.

Last night, Travis had vomited more than five times. He had really pushed himself to his limits, and the only thing he used to recover from the food was water. He walked inside the house and went straight to the kitchen. He took some cereal and got an extremely large bowl, filling it with milk. He then ate all the cereal, finishing everything in under 40 seconds. He wanted something more salty, so Travis went to the fridge and got some eggs. He took out a pan, put some butter into it, and turned on the stove.

Travis broke about eight eggs and mixed them until they were yellow. He then poured everything into the pan, whisking until everything was nicely scrambled. He sprinkled some salt and stared at the food with hunger-filled eyes.

He took several slices of bread and put them in the pan. He sat on a stool and ate some more, with perfectly made ice-cold orange juice on the side. Everything went down in the most godly way. When Travis was done, he smiled.

"I'm back to normal. And I have to clean up all this mess," he thought as he looked at the aftermath of his cooking frenzy. Well, being a person with discipline, Travis didn't complain anymore and began to fix his mess.

Debbie entered the kitchen and found it looking extra clean. She smiled when she saw this.

"Well, you certainly did my job better than I could ever do it," she said.

"You think? Maybe I might just run you out of business," Travis said with a smirk. Debbie laughed when she heard that. Travis stared at her, waiting for her reply.

"I wouldn't mind that, honestly," she replied.

He also laughed, and Debbie stared at Travis, waiting for hisresponse. He smiled and said, "No"

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