Chapter 42

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Travis began to draw. The artist she had picked was Michael Jackson. He didn't know why she picked such a complex artist, so he asked, "Well, I just think he's very cool, even though I've never listened to any of his songs," she said.

"What? You've never listened to Michael Jackson?" He asked in shock. Mia nodded and replied, "Yeah, my mom thinks he's the devil or something like that."

"Wow, that's literally shocking, but I'm not judging. How about we listen to some of his music if you ever get the time?" He asked.

"Sure, I would love to. We could do it while we're studying, I have some Airpods so we'll share," she said.

Travis nodded and continued with the drawing. It was slightly difficult since he went off of his memory, but the drawing turned out beautiful. Mia then started to color it, just to make sure he labeled all the parts of the drawing to show which color should be used. When she was done, she showed Travis, who gave her a thumbs up.

"Good job," he said.

"Thanks, I wouldn't have done it without your help, literally," Mia replied.

Travis chuckled and shrugged it off. "It was nothing. What time is it?" He took his phone and checked, seeing that it was about to pass nine. Travis decided to leave.

"Alright Mia, I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Don't lock your windows just in case I pull up for a surprise visit, okay?" he said.

"Sure, I'll keep that in mind," she replied. Travis got off the bed and wore all his clothes. When he was done, he gave Mia a peck on the lips, which caught her by surprise.

"Peace Mia. Hope you can survive the wet dream you're about to have." He opened the window and jumped out, leaving Mia in turmoil.

"He kissed me! Does that mean he likes me? Wait, I now have an upper hand over that Emo bitch! Ahahahahahah," she laughed like a madman. Good thing it all happened inside her head. Travis texted Eve and told her that he couldn't make it today; the reason being, he was busy with something at home. When he got inside the house, he saw Yumi in the kitchen. He walked up to her.

"Hey Yumi, what's up?" he asked.

Yumi looked up with surprise as she didn't hear him enter the room.

"Oh, Travis, you're back. What am I up to? Well, nothing, just having a drink to calm myself down," she replied.

"That sounds nice, but is there a reason why you need to calm yourself down?" he asked.

'It's you and that massive cock of yours!' She thought. Of course, she couldn't say that, so she came up with something else.

"Well, firstly, I'm looking after a family that is on the hit list with a powerful mafia group, I presume. And I'm all alone with zero backup, so yeah," she said.

"Guess that would take a lot to adapt. But I'm sure you can handle it. I mean, they only picked you because they knew that you were good enough, so cheer up," Travis said as he patted her head. Yumi looked up at Travis with tears in her eyes. She got up and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you for the kind words. I really needed that, honestly," she said as she held herself from crying. Travis gently rubbed her back so she could calm down. Feeling the motion, Yumi started to calm down. She no longer wanted to cry, and she no longer worried about her job. It was as if nothing was happening, and everything was all right.

"I'm here for you, Yumi. Just come to my room, and I'll give you all the love and support you want, okay?" he said. Yumi nodded. She tightly wrapped her hands around his neck and got closer to the point where she was pretty much stuck to him.

Yumi enjoyed the secure aura around Travis. It was as if her life had no problems. Nothing could ever bother her while he was with her. He was like her knight in shining armor.

She soon got out of the hug with an embarrassed expression. She couldn't believe that she had let her emotions loose on an 18-year-old.

"Um, I'll be going to sleep now," she said. Travis let her go with a slight spank on her ass, which set waves into her body. She looked back, and when she saw the smirk on his face, Yumi's heart skipped a beat.

'He did that on purpose. I should be angry, but something inside of me is preventing me from doing that.' she thought. Yumi left the kitchen and went to her room. Travis took a bottle of water and went up to his room. Passing by Jenny's room, he then thought of entering, which he did. Seeing Jenny laid on the bed as she read some tweets, Travis closed the door and went towards her.

"Jenny, are you busy or something?" he asked.

Jenny sprung up in surprise. She didn't even notice him entering the room. Imagining how bad it would've been if he had found her doing something else, she couldn't help but blush.

"Um, no, I'm not. Why?" she asked. Her voice was calm, unlike her normal angry or agitated tone.

"Well, I've been thinking of ways to make money, you know, and I came up with an idea. This idea needs you to be in it, of course," he said.

"Oh, I'm listening." The thought of making money was the only thing in her mind right now, so of course, she'd listen.

"Well, how about we make an OnlyFans?" he said with a smirk. Jenny's smile turned into a blush as she looked at Travis in anger but much more controlled than usual.

"What? Why would I ever do that, especially with you?" she shouted.

"Oh, are you gonna act like you weren't enjoying my tongue ravaging your pussy not too long ago? Wow, what a change in personality in such a quick time. But let's not talk about that. Here, come look at this." He went to her laptop and opened it, typing her password, which shocked her that he knew it. Travis opened the internet and searched up how much money an average person on OnlyFans gets per month. When she saw the amount, Jenny's eyes widened in shock.

"$4000 bucks? That's more than I could ever think of making, especially since I have zero responsibilities at the moment," she said.

"You see, so think about it, okay? You can call me when you get an answer," he said. Travis walked out of her room and left her to think.

'Does that mean he wants us to fuck?' she thought as she looked up some other things on the internet. The thought didn't bother her even slightly. In fact, she found herself desiring him to do other things to her body.


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