Chapter 33

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With nothing else to do, Travis roamed the school because he was super bored. He went out to the fields and stared at the calm grass and the cool breeze that blew on his face. Inhaling all the wonderful air into his system, Travis released a long sigh soon after.

"Okay, let me explore. I might come across something good," he thought. Walking back towards the school, he entered through the doors and started to roam around the place.

Before he knew it, Travis was on the other side of the school. That's where he saw another character in this world: June, the geek or nerd. June wasn't particularly hot, but she had value that only Travis could see. Walking up to her as she walked the halls with her face planted on her Nintendo, he greeted her with a nice calm tone.

"Hey," he said. Surprisingly, June heard Travis even though she was wearing headphones. Looking up and seeing his devilishly handsome smile, she felt her heart skip a beat.

"Oh hey, how could I help you?" she asked. Unlike most geeks, June could talk to people and actually hold a conversation, which was something rare amongst her group.

"Nothing really, I just happened to see you and found you cute, so I decided to come talk to you," he said with a bright smile that blinded June like a flashbang. Seeing him made her feel a bit of excitement. Travis was the most handsome guy she had ever spoken with, so why wouldn't she feel excited to speak with him?

"You think I'm cute. Are you trolling me or something, because I'll know if you are. I'd very much like it if you don't play with me, okay?" she said.

"I'm not trolling. You're June, right? An avid gamer girl is what I call you every time I see you. Which hasn't been happening for a while since I only came here on Monday. Then again, last I checked, you were in my high school," he said.

What Travis was doing now was trying to convince her that he was interested. If this worked, well it would, his job would be 100 times easier.

"Wow, you actually know me. I thought only the geeks here knew me. But an actual person who isn't just an NPC knows me. Quite surprising, honestly," she said.

"Damn, in what terms is someone an NPC to you?" he asked.

"I can't tell you that, it's pretty confidential. Anyway, I enjoy speaking with you. Travis, right? Yeah, I also know your name. I mean, you're the newest pretty boy in school, so of course a lot of girls would be talking about you. I just happened to hear the conversation, by the way," she said.

"That's cool. Now that we know each other's names, we might as well give each other our gaming IDs. Here, let me send you mine."

"Oh, so you're also a gamer. I wonder what type of games you play. I'm excited to beat you at your own thing," June smirked as she said this.

"Nah, I'd like to play some of your games. I'm sure they're all great. Guess we'll log on together at midnight, what do you think?" he asked.

"Sure, I sleep at 2 a.m., so that's not a problem. Alright, it was nice speaking to you, Travis. Bye," she said. June then went back to her Nintendo and lost her focus on reality again. He sighed, then looked forward and saw the class where his next class was currently held. He dreaded the thought of going there.

Well, he had no choice. He went back to class. As he was about to walk to his seat, the bell rang. Travis smiled, then walked out.

"My luck is at 100," he thought.

Mia hurriedly walked up to him with a bright, cute smile. "Travis, you alright?" she asked with a concerned tone.

"Why, did something happen?" he asked. Both of them started walking together, heading to their next class.

"Well, most guys don't really come back the same way after they go to Mrs. Smith's office. So I thought maybe..." Her voice became quieter as she spoke.

"So you were worried. Don't worry, nothing is going to happen to me. I'm perfectly fine," Travis said with a calm tone, which soothed her worries.

"Then, I guess I'll calm down then. Whew, sorry there. I'm an avid overthinker," she said, chuckling.

"I can see that. You don't have to think too much when it comes to me, though. If there's a problem, I'll be straight to the point with you," he said.

Eve was walking behind the two as they sort of flirted with each other. She hated seeing this with every fiber of her being. Right now, she just wanted to tear Mia apart, but she knew that Travis wouldn't really like that.

So she hurriedly skipped and stepped in the middle of them, making sure to push Mia to the side very roughly so she could make a point. Mia looked at Eve with infuriated eyes, but when she saw that Travis had his eye on her, she returned to her innocent ways.

"Travis, you're back. I've missed you so much. We're going to science class right now, so we should probably get your stuff," she said.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. Ms. Okita gave me a locker inside her class just in case because she doesn't want me to be late for class."

Unlike most people's lockers, Travis's locker was located very far from his class lockers. This meant that he would have to run every time he went to Science class, which he didn't mind, but Ms. Okita thought that would be time-consuming.

"Oh, that's nice of her. This is very odd since she's normally in a monotone state. It's like she's a robot or something," Eve said.

"Damn, if she was, I'd still hit though. Get some of that Robussy," Travis said, followed by a chuckle. Eve stared at him as if she was saying, "Ayo, what the fuck?"

Even Mia was very confused at the moment. She looked at Travis while holding an awkward smile. Travis glanced at the two and saw that they didn't find his joke funny. He proceeded to take his phone out and put his AirPods on.

"Damn, this is so awkward. Like that one guy at the Spider-Man movie when he tried to make a joke and it pretty much failed," he thought as he cringed a bit when thinking of that. But then he remembered what a guy did in the screening of Dragon Ball Super: Superhero, and his blood froze as he stopped walking for a second.

"I thought those kinds of dudes disappeared when 4chan disappeared," he thought.

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