Chapter 36

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When the bell rang he packed his stuff and took them to his locker. He then remembered that he had the key to every locker in his school. He would one day use this but right now he was alright. Next class was Art, this class wasn't hard. Even if you were bad at Art, you could easily pass this subject. So everytime he goes to this class Travis doesn't even feel a bit of weight, due to it being so simple.

When they got in they saw a very huge portrait infront of the class, from how Ms. Ross looked, it was clear to say that she was the person who made this piece of art.

" Class look closely at this piece!" She said with a excitedly.

Everyone got to their seats and stared at the portrait.   Seeing that everyone was settled she spoke.

" Art is about putting one's thoughts into something they can see. So if you can draw what you think. You're already a great artist, even if it's not perfect,the fact that you pictured it in your head and made it into something, makes you extremely creative, now what does that have to do with this portrait, well firstly look at this "

She took a glass of water and poured the Portrait, they were pretty shocked to see this, she didn't even hesitate and destroyed her work. But on her face, she was still smiling happily.

" You're probably thinking, why does it not make her sad, she destroyed such a very good portrait and she doesn't even look slightly bothered. I want you to note this down In your mind, Art is literally what you make it. If you make it good, it'll be good. If you make it bad it'll be bad. So what am I trying to say, well when I was making this piece, I was thinking of how bad I would make it. But look at how great it turned out, and that was not my goal. So what should i do, well Discard it of course.

I'm not saying you should also do so. What I'm trying to point out, what point am I trying to make. Honestly I don't know, but I'll find out one day" She said.

Travis looked at her with a confused stare. She was honestly making sense but now he's lost. Well he didn't care about what she had said ,he was going to do his thing. He wouldn't he surprised if she told everyone she was high on drugs right now. He started to draw , he had no goal, in stead he did what felt right for him. Before he knew it, Travis found himself drawing an extremely detailed facial portrait of a picture he randomly saw yesterday.  He was really happy with the results, he put his notepad down and waited for Ms. Ross. A minute later, she came up to him. Standing behind Travis as she leaned forward and stopped at the side of his face. He felt her breasts being slowing pressed against his back, which felt marvelous.

" Wow, this such a beautiful drawing. You're on the level with the best  Manga Artists." She said, Travis smiled in response. Showing her that he felt good about the compliment. Ms. Ross turned towards him with her own smile.

" You're really a great artist Travis, could I see you after class. Its only for a brief moment so you don't have to worry about staying too long" She said.

" Um, sure. " He replied.

She then rubbed his back and said." Well see you then. Travis " She walked off to another random person. Travis sat back and stared at his drawing. He didn't feel any attachment to it, meaning he could easily destroy it if he wanted. But he didn't do so.

" I'm impressed with everyone, you all drew wonderful portraits. I'm very proud, but I think you all can do better than that. So for your homework. I want you to draw something you love the most, I'll grade your drawing, remember this will go straight to your Report Card so make sure you go all out."

<The bell rang>

" Okay, see you all tomorrow. Travis remember to come see me. Goodbye my lovely students" Ms. Ross said with a bright smile. Travis left the class with Eve and Mia.

" So what are you two going to draw?" Travis asked.

" I'm not really sure honestly, there are many things that I love, so I have wide variety of things to pick, what about you Eve?"

" Maybe someone in my family, or Travis " She said, staring deep into Mia's eyes as she said this. She had taken the leap, and now she could only wait and see how he'd react.

"Ohh a drawing of me, that'd be awesome." Travis said, acting as if he didn't hear what she was implying he responded as so. Reason was, he felt that it was a bit too early for any confession. Even though he literally said he wouldn't mind marrying her, last night.

" For real, you'd like that? I guess I know what I'll be drawing tonight." She said.

Mia clenched her fists and looked down as she thought of a way she could even out the odds here. An idea flashed in her mind, and she went with it.

" Travis could you help me draw my assignment tonight?" Mia said as she smiled smugly towards Eve. Walking closer to Travis and taking his hand in hers, she turned to Travis and showed him a cute smile.

"Sure I'll help you, let's go, I gotta do something after school before I go back home" He said.

Travis walked off leaving the two girls who were staring at each other. These two acknowledged their rivalry, they understood that getting closer to him, is only relied on what they do.

" Nice plan to make Travis help you draw. But I'm pretty sure, he's going to love my own drawing over helping you " Eve said smugly.

" Oh you think so. Well I want you to have fun with your drawing, while me and Travis will be shoulder to shoulder tonight. I might even get a whiff of his scent, of even better, he'll put his hand on my thigh, mmmh yes I love the sound of that" Mia said with a smirk, Eve frowned and went closer to Mia.

" Well good luck on that. I'll be with Travis in the park tonight,  wonder what I'll be doing to him, or what he'll be doing to me" She said

The girls obviously didn't like each other much, something Travis knew full well. He didn't care honestly, understanding that they're feud will end when both of them realize that he's not going to pick between them.

He went to his locker and took his stuff, he went to the locker block and saw the dudes as always, waiting for their turn.  He entered the girls shower room and closed the door behind him.

Looking at the many puddles, Travis decided that he should try cleaning this place up a bit. He took a mop and wiped the floor of any water. When done he went into the shower section.

' oh yeah, those chick's must have already called for their brothers. That's gonna be a fun side quest' he thought.

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