chapter 101

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Elsa asked. "You want me to come with you to your business meeting?"

Jeremy smiled lightly and replied, "Yes... Will you? It will be at the Callahan Co-operation."

Confused, Elsa frowned slightly and said, "I don't understand... Is it that, you want to go to a business meeting, and I sit outside and wait for you, right?"

Jeremy shook his head. "No, I want you to come with me into the business meeting."

Elsa didn't understand why he would ask her to come with him at a business meeting. And be there when the meeting is held, therefore hearing everything they talk about.

If they talk about confidential things? Things she isn't suppose to know because she isn't a board member of the Callahan Co-operation? Then what? She'll cover her ears?

"I... I... I don't understand, aren't those things private? Would I even be allowed in?" Elsa asked with doubts.

If he doesn't trust about her identity, why bring her to a private company meeting? Won't they discuss things that people you trust should hear?

She knew big businesses like that kept their next moves a secret.

"They are private. But, you will be allowed in because I say so."


Jeremy interrupted by saying, "I just want you to come and listen to what will be discussed and tell me what you think. Alright?" He then got out of bed.

Elsa had to immediately look away because she noticed the bathrobe was lose enough to reveal that he was naked underneath.

"Like I said, I don't understand, why me?" She asked still looking away.

Jeremy didn't understand at first why Elsa wasn't looking at him until he noticed he was a little too exposed infront of her.

Elsa avoided looking at him and he cheeks were reddening as she blushed. Jeremy let out a deep chuckle before adjusting his robe.

He then held her chin and made her turn her head and look at him. He looked into her green eyes, his dark eyes staring into them deeply before saying, "Do I need a reason?"

Blushing again, Elsa turned her head away because she couldn't maintain eye contact. A smile escaped her that she couldn't control.

She wasn't blushing now because of his body, but rather because she couldn't look into his eyes.

Jeremy said with a serious voice,
"Elsa, look at me."

Hearing him call her Elsa made her heart do a weird rhythm. She wished he would call her name again, one more time.

She wanted to turn her head and face him but she couldn't. So she shook her head to mean no, she wasn't going to look at him.

"You can't even maintain eye contact with me, Elsa. I wonder why?"

Her name sounded so nice coming from his lips.

"Maybe if you stopped looking at me like that, I might."

She giggled, for no reason and thought, 'What is wrong with me?'

Jeremy persistent, "Elsa... Look at me Elsa... Look at me, Elsa." Elsa turned to look at him, only for her to cover her face with her hands the next second.

Jeremy didn't give up and said, "Look at me, Elsa." She slowly put her hands down and looked at him.

"You're so beautiful."

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