chapter 158

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This one is longer... Because, I didn't want interrupt a moment 😏.

(Don't take it for granted)

(Don't take it for granted)

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After much persuasion, Elsa reluctantly agreed to stay with Lui for a while.

She didn't understand why she had to, as they hadn't told her anything beyond the fact that what happened with Raffi and Victoria was the reason she wasn’t safe.

Elsa agreed to go, trusting Alex and Lui, not because she believed she was unsafe.

Not at all. Despite everything with Jeremy, she hoped that if he spent some time away from her, he might come around.

You know, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Like when he didn't see her for a week and came to look for her, and then everything was okay after that.

Maybe this time it will be the same. Maybe this time it will last longer.

She had called the hospital, saying she was going to come in late for work because she had an emergency. Lui didn't want her to go to work at all, but Elsa needed to so she could go look for the tapes.

Elsa went back to the Villa and took some clothes and other things she needed. She also took her mom's journal, her sister's diary, and her urn.

She was thinking of making a grave for her in the meantime so that the urn could stay in one place. And then when the case is solved and the man is found, Elsa will take out the ashes and pour them into the April sea.

But she couldn't even leave it at home, how would she leave it in a cemetery? She was so attached to the urn, it was becoming unhealthy.

Jeremy was not home at that time, probably at his office or still with Victoria.

Elsa didn't even want to think about that. She had thought she had seen some love for her from him. Maybe she was wrong.

Maybe she just saw what she wanted to see. Now what? Should she stay with Lui and wait for a divorce to come?

She was already in love with him, thinking that this would turn into something special. Should she give it some more time and see where this goes?

She didn't want to let him go so quickly. When a girl experiences her first awakening of love, it's normally a strong type of love.

She didn't experience that in her teen years. She didn't experience that at all until she met Jeremy. But maybe she fell for the wrong person. She fell for someone who belonged to someone else.

Lui drove Elsa to his Villa.

If thugs are this rich, then no wonder her sister had a thing for them.

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