chapter 191

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Elsa turned around to look at Rosanna. 'Does she know what those words mean, the lion cub?'

She started walking back towards them, letting go of Lui's hand. Her mind wanted her to ask Rosanna what she meant by saying the lion cub.

"Jeremy will win the painting for me, he said so himself," Victoria said, blushing.

Rosanna turned to Jeremy and said, "It's good to know you love my daughter. If only that bitch Gwen didn't get in between you two, you would be together now."

The mention of Gwen made Elsa stop in her tracks. Approaching Mrs. McConnell may not be a good idea. She hates her. She might not even tell her what she needs to know.

"Elsa, are you okay?" Lui walked over to Elsa and asked, concerned.

Elsa turned to Lui and took deep breaths. "I am okay... I just... Do you know what a lion cub is?"

Lui looked at Elsa, confused, before answering, "It's a young one of a lion."

He said it like it was obvious, as if that was the meaning Elsa was referring to. Well, he was technically right. But that was not what Elsa meant.

Elsa shook her head. "No... I don't mean... Never mind, you're right. It's a young one of a lion."

It meant that Lui didn't know its deeper meaning. She took his arm and forced a smile. "Let's go."

"Are you sure you're okay, Elsa?"

"I'm sure. I promise."


Elsa and Lui walked out of the room and looked at the paintings in the next one. Elsa's mind was still thinking about Mrs. McConnell calling her daughter the lion cub.

She remembered her mother and sister saying she and Gwen were lion cubs too. Is that something they shared in common with Victoria? Were all three of them lion cubs? What did that mean?

If Victoria was being called a lion cub, she must know what it meant. But would she tell Elsa? And even if she did, would it be the truth?

Elsa didn't think so.

And how come her sister said being a lion cub was like signing a death warrant, but Victoria looked okay? Why wasn't Gwen happy about being a lion cub?

And if Victoria too was a lion cub, what did it mean? And how many were there? Because her mother only mentioned two lion cubs, meaning her and Gwen. She wrote, 'my two lion cubs'. It surely couldn't be an earned title that someone worked for because Elsa didn't work to be a lion cub.

So what could it be? How did she and Gwen get that title? How did Victoria get that title? Why did Rosanna call her that?

Too bad the people she could ask, the people using that title, hated her to the bone.

Elsa decided to worry about it later and just focus on the art in front of her. She got so lost in one until Lui called her name and snapped her back to reality.

"You like this one too?"

"I like everything Gabrielle Serrurier makes. They are all beautiful," Elsa said while still looking at the painting.

"Elsa, I can get you as many paintings as you want."

Elsa turned to him and smiled. Lui also looked into her eyes. "No, pretty one. Even just one is too much to ask."

When Lui heard Elsa calling him pretty one, he chuckled. "Okay, but I am still getting you the painting from earlier." He then leaned in closer and whispered in her ear, "And I am not the pretty one, you are."

"Why am I the pretty one then?"

"Because you are a pretty one, love," he whispered.

It didn't go unnoticed by Elsa how dark his voice got. It made her feel like he was calling her pretty one for another reason. She couldn't forget the first time he said, 'Don't be scared, pretty one. I'll protect you.'

But she brushed off the thought of him being interested in her. That would be weird, even for him. He liked Gwen before.

Lui was about to lean away from her ear when Elsa let out a gasp and was pulled away from him. Big, strong hands started dragging her back. Elsa turned to see who was holding her and met the angry face of Jeremy.


So this is part where you tell us your theory on what a lion cub is... Who is, and what is, the lion cub of Serpens? What could it mean?

I'll make the next chapter long so that I can fit all the drama of tonight, that's coming, there.

I live for the drama.🍿 And boy aren't there so many bad drama on the way...

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