chapter 147

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Elsa noticed how angry he looked. She could have immediately backed away and left him alone to cool off, but instead, she walked closer to him until she was in his personal space.

“Jeremy, I am not Gwen,” she said, tears gathering in her eyes.

He was much taller than her, so she had to look up at him. Their gazes were different - she looked up at him with love in her eyes, while he looked down at her with anger in his.

Suddenly, Jeremy grabbed her arm, opened his bedroom door, and forcefully pushed Elsa inside, causing her to fall onto the floor next to a large king-size bed.

The wound on her hand, which she had previously bandaged, reopened, and a slight stain appeared on the white bandages.

Jeremy walked over to her and crouched down beside her. He then pulled her hair, forcing her to look at him.

“You're such a good actress, aren't you? You managed to fool me so well,” he gritted his teeth.

“Jeremy, I-” She wasn't allowed to speak as he pulled her up, making her stand on her feet before throwing her onto the bed.

He then turned her around to face up and got on top of her, pinning her down with his body. Everything was happening so fast. Elsa was breathing heavily, shaking at his rough actions.

“Why do you lie so much, Gwen? Why do you always lie and use me?”

Elsa cried beneath him.

Despite his weight crushing her, she didn't struggle or try to push him off. In the midst of her sobs, she managed to say, “I never lied to you. I promise.”

“Jeremy, I am not Gwen!” she tried to explain.

“Stop!” he yelled in her face, causing her to flinch in fear.

“You're a manipulator and a liar. This was all just a scheme, wasn't it? You knew exactly what you were doing when you took me to that grave you claimed was your mom's. When you took me to April Sea and talked about spreading ashes. You were playing the pity game on me, weren't you? You used tears and death to let my guard down so I would believe you're not Gwen. So you could manipulate me using this innocent girl character you created,” he scoffed.

“No, please. That's not true-”

“There was probably nothing wrong with you. You must have pretended to have fainted. That's why you asked me to take you to a doctor, right? So you wouldn't be discovered, didn't you?”

The anger in his voice was evident. Veins bulged on his temples, and his muscles tightened. He was jumping to conclusions and misunderstanding everything that had happened between them.

Misunderstanding the beautiful memories they had created and filling them with lies.

“I’m not manipulating you. I never did anything with ill intent. You have to believe me,” she pleaded desperately.

It hurt so much that he didn't believe her. The one person she wanted to believe her was the one doubting her. Jeremy didn't listen.

Instead, he grabbed her neck, his grip tight, choking her. This act took Elsa by surprise, and her wide eyes looked at the man in front of her, who now looked like someone she didn't recognize.

“Tell me the truth, Gwen! Tell me the truth, that you are Gwen and you've been playing with me this entire time!” he yelled in her face.

Elsa closed her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably.

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