chapter 131

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Elsa didn’t want to believe that. It wasn’t true. Jeremy said to her, ‘I’ll look after you. I’ll protect you, always.’

He wouldn’t hurt her, not again at least.

“No, he didn’t. You’re lying!” she exclaimed.

“Do you really think I’d act without his knowledge? He has to know to protect me from the consequences. So even if you tell him, nothing will happen to me. You can prove that theory yourself if you want. Tell him I hurt you and see what will happen.

“Also, I can tell you are hurt. I’m sure he did too. Yet he kicked you out of his car and left you here all alone to get home by yourself. Why is that, Elsa?”

Elsa didn’t say anything. She didn't know what to say.

“And by the way, Elsa, what happened yesterday with the bracelet is exactly what Jeremy thinks Gwen would do. So, I’m guessing he now thinks you’re Gwen,” she shrugged.

She then whispered to Elsa, “I guess I decided to burst your bubble after all.” She turned around arrogantly and got back into her car. She drove away while smiling at herself.

Elsa sighed, not knowing what to think. She hailed a cab to stop and slipped in.

She felt like she had used her remaining energy to argue with Victoria. Her entire body was aching. She needed some painkillers before she could even think.

The cab stopped at the Villa. When she saw Jeremy’s car at the entrance, she knew he was home and sighed with relief. She could use this chance to talk to him.

Elsa found Jeremy in the living room with some papers in his hands that he was going through. Jeremy heard footsteps and looked up. When he saw Elsa, he immediately looked back at his papers and didn’t say anything. An act that made Elsa feel sad.

Elsa decided to at least get herself cleaned up first before talking to him again. She must have looked very filthy at that moment. She went to her bedroom quickly, leaving Jeremy in the living room. She cleaned herself up from the dirt and blood. She took some painkillers and applied some oil to her wounds.

Now she wished she had told the officers what happened in the cell. She didn’t want Victoria to get away with it. She got into her work uniform and immediately went downstairs.

Elsa found Jeremy was still in the living room. He had a pen in his hand and was writing something down. Elsa figured he might not have had his breakfast yet, so she decided to make him something before she brought up her case again. Maybe with a full stomach, he would hear her out and talk to her.

When she was done, though, she saw Jeremy walking towards the door. He was leaving. She immediately chased after him. “Jeremy!” she called out.

Jeremy stopped and turned to Elsa, his eyes looking into hers. But he still didn’t say anything to her. “I made you breakfast,” she said with a little smile on her lips. Her big round eyes hoping he would sit down with her for a moment so she could talk to him.

But Jeremy shook his head. “I am not hungry.”

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