chapter 196

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Lui excused himself and went to the living room, asking to see them through the camera.

He looked at his security camera and saw three police officers with a woman who appeared to be in her thirties.

He remained calm and told them to let them in. Elsa was in the dining room, feeding Yuliana breakfast, and Lui didn't disturb them.

The four people walked into his living room and stood in front of him.

"Hello, sir. Sorry to come without notice and disturb you so early in the morning," one of the officers said.

"No problem, just state your business here," Lui replied calmly as he made himself more comfortable on his couch.

"Is a woman named Elsa Halverson here?"

Lui nodded. "She is... Why?"

"It's very urgent for you to call her to come meet us immediately."

"You haven't answered my question. Why are you asking for Elsa Halverson?"

"To arrest her for the kidnapping of this woman's niece, Yuliana Torres. A two and a half-year-old child," another officer spoke.

Lui got up from his seat, showing off his tall height, and put his hands in his pockets.

"Elsa kidnapped your niece?" he asked the crying woman.

Her eyes were puffy, and she looked like she had cried too much; she was having trouble breathing.

"She did, sir. My name is Amanda Torres. I am Yuliana's legal guardian. And yesterday, I took my niece to the park to play. We were having fun playing together until the child asked for ice cream. So I left her alone and went to buy her ice cream. But when I came back to look for her and give her her ice cream, she was nowhere to be found.

"I searched for her everywhere, but I couldn't find her. I went to the police in the evening when we couldn't find her at all. And a CCTV street camera captured Elsa carrying Yuliana into a car. She was the one who took my Yuliana from the park; that's why I couldn't find her."

Photos of Elsa holding Yuliana were given to Lui. They were from the street CCTV camera footage. He looked at them carefully, one by one.

"And how did you know Elsa would be here? This isn't her home."

"Through the road CCTV footage. We followed her here by following the car she got into," one of the officers answered him.

Lui let out a chuckle and shook his head. Just then, Elsa walked into the room with Yuliana in her arms, who was giggling at something they were talking about.

When Amanda saw Yuliana, she immediately ran to them and snatched her out of Elsa's arms without warning. This took both Elsa and Yuliana by surprise.

She hugged the child and kissed her all over her face. "My niece, my sweet little niece. I thought the worst. I thought I lost you."

She then put her down and started inspecting her arms, neck, and face.

"Thank God I found you. Are you okay? Did she hurt you? Did she do anything bad to you?" she asked frantically.

Yuliana was just looking at her and not saying anything. When Elsa saw the police officers and the woman she recognized as the same woman who was with Yuliana last time on the bus, she felt both relieved they found her and nervous about the police being there with her.

"Elsa Halverson?" one of the officers called her.


"You are under arrest for the kidnapping of Yuliana Torres. Please come with us to the police station for further questioning."

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