chapter 169

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Elsa felt a sting in her eye. He didn't want her carrying his child?

“Swallow those pills right now! A woman like you is not allowed to be the mother of my children,” he said, clenching his jaw.

Those words hurt. She had naively wanted a child with him to show her love for him, but it turns out she was not worthy of carrying his heir.

Elsa held the pills in her hand and felt a deep pain in her heart. She remembered how she never took any pills when she first slept with him.

She still didn't know if she was pregnant because she was waiting for any symptoms, and it felt too early to know for sure.

But what if she was? If she was, she shouldn't be taking contraceptives because it’s not good for the baby.

But she didn't know if she was or not. She and Jeremy had spent more than one night together without her using a pill or him ever using a condom.

When Jeremy saw her hesitation, he grabbed her hair with one hand and put the other hand on her jaw, forcing her to open her mouth.

He then let go of her hair, took the pills from her hand, and forced them into her mouth, making her swallow them dry. After making sure the pill was swallowed, he pulled her into his arms and squeezed her tightly.

“I hate you, Mrs. Callahan! I completely despise you!” he whispered in her ear.

He pushed her back until she was lying in bed and he was on top of her, pressing her onto the bed with his body and caging her under him. “Do you hear me, Mrs. Callahan? I hate you so much,” he mumbled as he held her tightly in his arms.

His lips went to her neck, leaving several hickeys and marks. Elsa suppressed the urge to cry.

She didn't even know how to react to this. It was wrong to feel so good to be held by him. It was wrong that she loved it when he was on top of her. Her trembling hands held his back as she held him back.

The way he was squeezing her, she could barely move, so she couldn't hold him the same way he was holding her. “But I love Jeremy, very much,” she said in a low voice.

Her emotions kept growing and growing. She loved that man. She didn't want to still love him after the horrible things he just said to her, but she couldn't help it.

The more time went by, the more she fell for him. “Heh! You still want me after what I just did to you?” he scoffed.

“I do... I will always want you. I will always want to be with you. And what you did... It's okay, Jeremy. I forgive you.” He was still in her heart.

She was hurt by him, but she wasn't going to complain. She was afraid that if she did, he would walk away and leave her, and she knew she couldn't handle that. She knew that she would always want to be with him at the end of the day.

He looked her in the eye and made their foreheads touch before closing his eyes. “I never asked for your forgiveness,” he breathed. .

Elsa sighed, “Yeah, you didn't. But I chose to on my own.”

He held both her cheeks in his palms, and his lips brushed against hers. “I hate you so much. Take off that mask right now and show me the real you,” he said.

Elsa let out a little whimper. “This is me, I promise,” she said with her eyes closed. She placed a light kiss on his lips that lasted for a few seconds.

“And why should I trust your words?” he asked with a deep, heavy voice, his lips still brushing against hers.

“I don’t know. I don't have a reason. All I know is, I want to be with you. I told you that before, and I am telling you now. I will never let you go.”

A tear fell from her eyes and landed on Jeremy's hand, and he felt it.

“Damn you, Halverson! Damn you!” Those were his words before he took off his clothes and took her again.

AN: This is the bad part... It's starting.

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