chapter 148

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She tried to pull his hand from her neck, but his grip was too strong.

“Tell me the truth, Gwen! Tell me right now!” he commanded as he squeezed her neck tighter.

She could still breathe, just not as easily as before, but his tightening grip was making it difficult.

Elsa still didn't answer and just resorted to crying. She was at a loss. She didn't know what to do or say to get him to believe her.

And the fact that he was hurting her with his hands again was just making everything worse for her. Her feelings were hurt.

“Talk, damn you!” Jeremy shouted, making Elsa wince.

When Elsa still didn't say anything, he let go of her neck, and Elsa took deep breaths as she tried to recover.

Only for Jeremy to suddenly turn her head to face away from him and then bury his head in her neck.

“I said talk!” he said while still buried in her neck. But Elsa didn't say anything.

Only for Jeremy to bite her skin, hard in anger.

It wasn't a love bite, it wasn't something to give her a hickey. It was a bite meant to hurt her.

Elsa let out a painful and loud scream. She started pushing him away immediately.

Her back arched in pain. The pain she felt all over her body. Even in her heart. But he didn't stop. Despite her screams, he didn't let her skin go. He kept biting her.

She tried to push him away, but her efforts bore no fruit.

“Okay... Okay... I'll tell you... Please... I'll... I'll tell you,” she cried desperately. “I’ll tell you... I'll tell you... Please...” She said this not because she really did lie to him and wanted to confess, it was more of a reflex. In response to the pain she was feeling at that moment.

Jeremy let go of her neck when he heard that. He then looked at her with those dark, soulless eyes he had before. Those days he was cold towards her and he hated her. The gentle ones were long gone.

“Talk!” he ordered impatiently.

Elsa breathed in deep and gulped hard. She was still crying, tears she couldn't stop. But she talked through them.

“I... I never lied to you, Jeremy, I swear... Trust me... And... And... Even if I was manipulating you, I wouldn't use my family to do that. I wouldn't use my mom's grave to manipulate you or get sympathy from you.

“You knew Gwen for a while, right? Think about it. She never told you about her family before. She never mentioned me or anyone from her blood. If she had manipulated you before, she didn't use her family. So even if you believe I am Gwen, I wouldn't have used my family in that way. Please trust me,” Elsa said.

“What about everything that man said?”

“I don't know that man who kidnapped me. I have never seen him before in my life. I highly doubt if he had any type of relationship with Gwen. He said Gwen rejected him. They couldn't have been in a relationship. Everything he said to you was lies. He told me the complete opposite,” Elsa thought that he would at least start believing her after that, but it didn't seem like he did.

Jeremy scoffed, “I almost believed you! Hell, I believed your lies! For a moment there, I thought I could trust you. But a tiger never changes its stripes. You are just the same. A scheming bitch who has no morals!”

He didn't trust her at all. She was a liar, and he wasn't falling for her words again. His words cut Elsa deep.

“Jeremy, don't say that to me.” Those words hurt her so much.

She hoped he didn't mean them. “Why shouldn't I, huh? You even lied to me on the first night we spent together. Come to find out you have been sleeping around with men this entire time!”

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