chapter 114

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She couldn't help but smile as images of him flashed before her eyes - images of how beautiful that man was, how perfect he looked.

She couldn't believe she had such a strong connection to him that she immediately decided to paint him.

She wanted to remember that beautiful day, even though it ended with him taking off his suit.

So she was capturing a special moment for herself.

When the sketch was done, she wrote underneath it, as a way to name this work, “Mr. Handsome.” She wrote it as her signature.

She wanted to make this into a realistic painting, to make it look like a photograph but also show that it's a painting.

With the whole pencil sketch done, Elsa couldn't help but feel proud of her work. He looked so beautiful.

She smiled because in the sketch, he looked like he was looking at her. ‘Oh god, what has gotten into me? Why am I acting so googoo over Jeremy Callahan?’

She traced the sketch with her fingers, looking at it with dreamy eyes. “Hello, Mr. Jeremy Callahan...” she talked to it. “You look lovely even when unfinished.” She ended up laughing at herself immediately.

If someone walked in and saw her talking to a picture, they might think she had lost her mind.

Just then, Elsa heard someone ringing the doorbell. She went inside immediately and walked to the front door.

The moment she saw who it was, she was about to slam it in her face.

And when Victoria saw that Elsa was the one who opened the door for her, she rolled her eyes. “What are you doing here?”

Elsa leaned against the door and gave her a fake smile. “What kind of question is that? Why are you asking a wife what she is doing in her husband's house?”

Victoria scoffed when she heard that. “Husband? When my father slammed your head against the wall, did that affect your brain? Did it turn you delusional?”

“How is me saying Jeremy is my husband delusional?”

“Because Jeremy will never accept a woman like you as his wife,” she said arrogantly and confidently.

Elsa chuckled. “Are you sure about that?”

“Very much. Now get out of my way, I need to talk to Jeremy.”

Elsa blocked her path, not letting her in. “I did not open this door to let you in. I opened it to tell you to go away. And I would appreciate it if you stopped looking for my husband from now on.”

“How dare you talk to me like that, Elsa? Have you lost your mind? And who do you think you are telling me to leave Jeremy alone? And even if I did, do you think with me gone he would even so much as glance your way? Don't lie to yourself, Elsa. Jeremy loves me, he always has for a long time. If you have started developing feelings for him, you need to kill them right away before you get hurt.”

“Wait, you're saying Jeremy would never want me?”

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