chapter 124

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"Are you okay?" Jeremy asked Elsa as they faced the front, heading towards their destination.

He wanted them to navigate through the crowd and find a table where they could stay for the entire duration of the ball.

He preferred this over having Elsa walk around with him as he greeted everyone.

Elsa glanced at Jeremy's side profile and felt a sense of calm seeing how composed he looked. She nodded and replied, "I'm okay. Just don't leave me alone."

Jeremy reassured her, saying, "That's good. We only have to be here for a few hours."

It was 7:30 pm, and Elsa hoped that by 11 pm, she would be able to go home.

She wanted to enjoy the party with Jeremy, but she still felt apprehensive due to her previous humiliation.

Before Jeremy could take Elsa to their table, a man approached them. "Mr. Callahan, good evening," he greeted.

The man was tall, dark, and handsome, with a foreign accent that added to his air of mystery.

He even had a mole under his eye, further enhancing his enigmatic appeal.

"Fabian Romano," Jeremy greeted him.

Fabian gave Elsa a slight smile and nodded, and Elsa returned the gesture. It seemed like that was the extent of their greetings.

He then turned to Jeremy. "Mr Callahan, may I have a moment?"

Elsa subconsciously held on to Jeremy tighter when she heard that. She didn't want him to leave her alone.

Jeremy felt her grip tighten on his arm and looked at her. "Just give me five minutes, I'll be right back. Okay?" He assured her.

Elsa didn't answer. She just had a bad feeling. She didn't want to be left alone.

When he left her alone last time, she had a drink spat on her face and everyone at the party called her an ugly name.

She really wanted tonight to be different, but she didn't want to be left alone. There were still a lot of people who believed she was Gwen, and Gwen seemed to have a bad reputation here.

"Just wait for me here. You'll be fine."

So as not to look paranoid or clingy, she reluctantly agreed.

She nodded slightly, "Okay."

Jeremy kissed her cheek as Elsa let go of his arm. He then started walking away with the man, away from the crowd and the loud music.

Elsa stood there alone as she looked around absentmindedly. The party had a lot of people who looked like they belonged to the upper class.

They were standing in pairs or groups, talking, laughing, and drinking wine. There was a live band setting the mood on stage with fun and captivating songs.

This ball seemed to have been thrown by the Callahan Co-operation or a company under them.

That was why Jeremy attended it.

She noticed someone in the crowd: Rosanna McConnell and her husband. She thought when she would see her, she would get mad or pissed off, or something like that.

But instead, she felt some familiarity with her.

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