chapter 160

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As Elsa mopped the floor, she felt something fall next to her feet. She had accidentally brushed over a nametag on the door.

She immediately picked it up to put it back, only to freeze when she saw what was written on the tag: "Daisy Mitchell."

"Oh my god!" That was the name of the patient who was on the tapes.

She was still here?

Elsa put the mop down and slowly leaned towards the door. There was a small window on the door that they used to check on the patients when a nurse was going through their rounds.

Elsa peeped inside and saw a woman. Her hands were wrapped in front of her in a self-hugging way.

She was tied to the bed so she couldn't move. She was staring at the ceiling, singing a song. She looked so lost in her own world.

The song sounded familiar, so Elsa put her ear to the door to listen. It was "
“Truest Love.”

Nobody except her mother, her, and Gwen knew that song.

How did she know that song?

It could only be through her mom. The heavens really were favoring her today.

What good luck after so much bad! She found her so quickly!

Elsa had checked who Daisy was in the system after finding all the tapes about her.

She was a patient who was doing so well and making so much progress.

And then, she had a relapse a few years ago and has never been the same.

The files say that she was good friends with her mom. And the moment her mom died, she went completely crazy. She was screaming and kicking.

She even strangled Nurse Rowland and had to be restrained by three grown men. She was brought here since.

She must have had such a strong connection with Jenna that losing her triggered her too much. Her already broken mind couldn't handle it and she lost it.

She kept repeating that the nurse killed her, but since she was considered crazy, people assumed she was just crazy.

Esther Rowland resigned a few days after Jenna's death. Elsa tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. She needed a key.

But how would she get one? She wasn't allowed to enter rooms of such patients, even to clean. Such patients weren't allowed visitors, as that might trigger them, so no one had seen her in a while.

The only person who went to her room was her doctor. Who knows if her family was allowed to visit her? Would her doctor let her speak to Daisy?

Could she find the key to her room and sneak in to talk to her?

What if she gets caught?

She will figure it out later. Right now, she smiled, knowing the woman was still alive and well. Well, not mentally well. But... you know.

When it was time to go home, Elsa knew Lui would be coming to pick her up soon, as he said he would and refused any objections.

After she got her things and left, she found Allan outside the changing room. His eyes lit up the moment he saw her.

“You were waiting for me?” Elsa asked.

Allan nodded. "Yeah, today is the day you tell me if you would let me take you to lunch on the weekend,” he said nervously.

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