chapter 150

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Elsa woke up early, before Jeremy. She had barely slept at all, so who knows if it even counts as waking up.

It was close to 5 am when she finally closed her eyes, and she woke up at 6 am. So she had only slept for about an hour the entire night.

She was still holding onto Jeremy, but his hands didn't touch her again the entire time.

The faint light of dawn illuminated the room, allowing Elsa to see Jeremy's silhouette clearly. She pressed a kiss on his cheek before getting out of bed.

He had torn off her clothes before taking her, so she had to walk naked through the hallway and into her room to find new clothes to wear.

After taking a shower, she applied oil to her wounds and wrapped her hand in a new bandage since the previous one was stained when her wound opened.

The memory of what Jeremy did to her kept replaying in her head as a tear rolled down her cheek without her realizing it.

She quickly wiped it away and got ready for her day. As she sat on the vanity chair, she realized she needed a lot of makeup on her face if she wanted to look presentable.

Her eyes looked swollen from crying so much, and she had sunken eyes from not sleeping at all.

She pushed her hair back to expose her neck and traced her finger on the big red bruise Jeremy left on her. It hurt even with a light touch, and she could see the imprints of his teeth on her skin.

She decided she would wear a scarf to cover it up.

When she was ready, she went downstairs and started making breakfast. She put on an apron and made some pancakes.

Her body still hurt, but she endured it because it wasn't as bad as the previous day, and the painkillers were working.

Just as she was flipping the last pancake from the frying pan and putting it on top of the little pile, she heard footsteps.

She raised her eyes and saw Jeremy walking into the room wearing a white suit. “Jeremy, I made you breakfast,” she said with a light smile.

But he didn't return the smile. He only gave her a cold gaze and an angry face.

“Why are you so eager to cook for me? Are you adding love potions to your food to try to control me?” he asked rudely.

“W-what?” Elsa stammered.

“I will never take anything from you. I will never touch your food ever again. So next time, Viper, don't waste your time cooking for me.”

Viper... Viper was Gwen's nickname, not hers. She didn't know Jeremy knew that nickname because he never called her that the previous time he thought she was Gwen. Elsa felt her eyes well up with tears, but she blinked them away. “Jeremy, please. At least have one bite,” she tried again. Jeremy became even more irritated.

“I told you, I am not touching your food. I am not having breakfast with you-”

“Because he is having breakfast with me,” a voice interrupted him and finished his sentence.

Elsa’s eyes turned to see who it was. Victoria walked in with a smile on her face.

She went straight to Jeremy and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. And the thing that hurt the most was Jeremy hugging her back affectionately.

“Good morning, Jeremy,” Victoria said sweetly to him before securing herself next to him and wrapping her hands around his arm.

“Good morning, Vic. I didn't expect you would come to pick me up,” Jeremy replied, his tone filled with warmth as he spoke to Victoria.

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