chapter 128

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“Well, tonight we are going to teach you a lesson. And let me tell you, Mr. Jeremy Callahan already knows what is about to happen to you. He even paid us extra to torture you more. He doesn't want you in his life anymore. Do you hear me, kitten?

“You thought sleeping with him a few times would make him want to be with you? Aren't you acting a little naive? Let's see if you can use this body to seduce him again after it is covered with wounds.”

After that speech, Elsa was mercilessly beaten up by her cellmates. They put a sock in her mouth to prevent her from screaming as they kicked her stomach and pushed and punched her several times.

And when she tried to get up, they would kick her back down and step on her fingers hard, making them cut and bleed. That was all that happened until almost midnight.

And when they were done, they left her on the floor bleeding and crying. Nobody helped her or even defended her.

They laughed at the tears rolling down her cheeks. Elsa also had a bad headache that night. It was so severe that she bit her dress in pain. It was so severe that she stopped feeling pain anywhere else.

She had a burst lip, bruises, and cuts on her body that were bleeding. They put them from her fingers to her legs. But at that time, all she felt was the migraine.

And without her painkillers, she had no choice but to bear it. She put her head on the cold cement, hoping its coldness would act like an ice pack and cool her head off.

Tears fell from her eyes as the pain was too much to bear.


It was early the next morning when the police officer came to their cell and unlocked the door.

Elsa was still lying on the floor where her cellmates left her while they were seated together elsewhere.

She was curled up like a ball. Her blood had dried up from her lip and elsewhere she was bleeding.

“Hey Halverson, you made bail!” he said as he opened the cell door.

Elsa's whole body was aching, but she endured as she got off the floor. She just wanted to get out of here.

In her entire life, she had never been arrested. The only time she ever came to the police station was when she came to bail out her sister from jail, who was arrested for drunk driving.

She never thought she would end up there too. She held onto her gown, which was now dirty, so she wouldn't trip on it and fall as she walked out of the cell.

The police did notice the dry blood on her face, but he didn't say anything.

Elsa found Jeremy waiting for her outside. He was seated on a bench with his elbows on his thighs and his fingers intertwined as he looked down at the floor.

He was still in his black tuxedo from the previous night.

Elsa felt a little scared to approach him at first, but knowing her conscience was clean, she walked over to him.

“Jeremy,” she called out to him softly. Jeremy didn't respond.

He didn’t even raise his head to acknowledge her. He was as still as a statue as he watched the floor as if there was something interesting there.

Elsa gulped and walked closer. “Jeremy, I didn’t steal the bracelet. I promise. It wasn’t me.”

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