chapter 189

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"Will there be many people there?" Elsa asked, looking out the window at the moving cars.

Elsa was initially concerned because this might bring more rumors her way, seeing her with another man who wasn't Jeremy. But the moment she got that call, she realized that she was being loyal to a cheater.

Not that she was going to do anything with Lui, but she just shouldn't limit herself to never hanging out with her male friends when Jeremy was always with Victoria.

"Not that much, I hope," Lui replied.

Elsa knew asking him when he was taking her was pointless. He didn't tell her when he first offered, and when leaving, he only said it was a place she would love.

So, she just waited to see what place he would be talking about.

The drive only took about 10 minutes, and Lui stopped the car in front of an art museum.

It looked like it was having an exhibition on that very day. She turned to look at Lui with excitement. She couldn't even think of what to tell him.

She was just pumping with excitement, she could burst.

Lui smiled at her and found her very cute at that moment. "I told you you would like it, pretty one."

Elsa had wanted to ask him why he was calling her ‘pretty one,’ which had become a recurring thing.

But, later. Right now, all she wanted was to go in there. Lui opened the car door for her and held her hand, leading her inside.

“There is an exhibition of a famous artist called Gabrielle Serrurier. His works are on display today," Lui explained. Elsa turned to him and her mouth dropped.

"Gabrielle Serrurier?" she exclaimed.

"You know him?" Lui asked.

"Every painter knows Gabrielle Serrurier. He is the best one ever. I cannot believe his work is displayed here."

"Well, that's not all," Lui said, piquing Elsa's interest. "The reason why I had us dress like this is because there will be a bidding event after this. Some of the paintings here are going to be on auction. A lot of the rich will be buying the paintings. Sold to the highest bidder."

"You were right, I love this," Elsa smiled as they walked in. She started looking at the paintings one by one.

"If you find any you like, let me know," Lui said.

Elsa nodded as they kept walking. The room had amazing lighting. The walls had paintings on them of different sizes, big and small, and also of different characters.

One thing about Gabrielle Serrurier's paintings was that they always told a story.

Elsa couldn't help but admire everything.

"Lui, how did you know I would like this?" Elsa asked curiously. She had never mentioned that to him.

"Lucky guess," he winked at her.

Elsa just chuckled, shaking her head. She left it at that and didn't ask for further explanation.

As they kept walking, Elsa saw a huge painting and stopped in front of it.

It was a painting of a woman. She was seated on a rock, and her background was a huge waterfall. She had a baby in her arms that she looked like she was breastfeeding, and another that was crawling next to her leg.

Elsa saw this painting and immediately thought of her, her mother, and her sister.

She was awed by the painting. She couldn't help but admire it.

"You like this one?" Lui asked, seeing the expression on her face.

Elsa smiled and then nodded. "Yes, I love it," she answered honestly. "Then I'll buy it for you."

Elsa turned to him, surprised. This painting could cost a lot of money. She didn't want him buying anything for her.

But before she could protest...

"Jeremy, let's look at this one. It looks so pretty," she heard Victoria's voice from behind her.

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