chapter 175

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Elsa suddenly thought of something, and Victoria told her that if she asked for a divorce, she would be given one.

Now, Jeremy’s mother is telling her this... Does this mean that if she told the old master she wanted to divorce Jeremy, she could divorce him immediately?

Elsa decided to test that theory. “Why do I have to tell him? Why can't Jeremy tell him?”

“You will tell The Old Master because I tell you to.”

“You haven't answered my question. Why should I propose the breakup and the divorce? I'm pretty sure Jeremy has more reason to leave me than I have to leave him.”

“I don't have to give you a reason. You do as I say, you hear me?”

Lorna barked. Elsa let out a dry laugh.

“You want me to divorce Jeremy, right?”

“Yes. Jeremy doesn't want you. You stood in the way of him marrying the woman he loves, who is Victoria. Don't force yourself on him and divorce Jeremy already.”

Elsa just smiled then nodded. “Okay. I'll divorce him. But he should be the one to tell The Old Master, not me.”

Elsa didn't say this because she wanted to divorce Jeremy. She wanted to see if she truly should be the one initiating the divorce. Jeremy, this entire time, never said anything. He was still seated on the couch with his eyes fixed on Elsa.

And the moment she said she can divorce him, he clenched his fist without realizing. When Victoria heard that, her smile grew.

This was too easy. Barely a challenge. She did not think it would happen this fast. Thank heavens Elsa was so easy to take down. She walked over to Jeremy and sat next to him, taking his hand into hers.

“Jeremy, did you hear that? We can finally be together. All you have to do is tell your grandfather. With everything that has happened, he will surely agree.”

She blinked at him innocently. Jeremy was just about to speak when a deep authoritative voice spoke before he got a chance.

“What will I agree on?”

The Old Master asked as he walked into the living room with the help of his cane.

The entire room fell silent when The Old Master walked in. His eyes scanned the room, and the moment he saw Elsa, a smile appeared on his face.

“Elsa, there you are. No one told me you had arrived.” When Lorna saw The Old Master, she immediately spoke, “Dad, we have proof that Gwen has cheated on Jeremy. I told you she wasn't a good person. She has even gone as far as stepping out of her marriage. Once you see this, you will know what I mean.”

She snatched the photos from Elsa's hands and walked over to the old master, giving them to him. Elsa tried so hard to remain calm, but it seemed that without knowing before, what the old master thought of her was important to her.

She didn't want him to believe those photos. As The Old Master looked at them one at a time, Elsa started trembling.

“You see, Dad, these photos prove that this woman has no morals and sleeps with any man she wants. Such a woman will end up tarnishing the Callahan name if she continues to remain the daughter-in-law. Dad, I think you should let them divorce. Who knows how much more embarrassment she will bring to this family.”

Lorna spoke instead of Jeremy. She spoke on his behalf, while Jeremy remained silent.

Everything went quiet after that as The Old Master was still analyzing the photos carefully.

Everyone was waiting for the Old Master's reaction before saying another word.

Whatever he says would determine if Jeremy would divorce Elsa or stay married to her.

Victoria was feeling rather confident at that moment. The Old Master doesn't tolerate anything ruining the Callahan image.

He made Jeremy marry Gwen just to protect the image. So for this, adding to the one trending online, Elsa will soon be the ex-daughter-in-law. And she will get to be with Jeremy and be the new Mrs. Callahan.

And the new daughter-in-law of the Callahans. Which is all she has ever wanted.

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