chapter 122

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Elsa remembered the dizziness and telling Jeremy to bring her here, but that was it.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

Elsa was still nervous. She didn't want to worry him. “Much better,” she answered.

When she saw the doctor was about to talk, she turned to Jeremy quickly and asked him to leave the room for a while. She wanted to talk to Johnson alone.

Jeremy was reluctant as he didn't see the reason why he had to leave, but he obeyed and left the room, giving them some privacy.

As soon as he left, Elsa turned to Doctor Johnson. “Doctor, did you tell Jeremy about my illness?”

Johnson shook his head while thinking. He technically didn't tell him. “I didn't mention your illness, but I did say you losing consciousness and having vertigo was normal. I’m guessing he didn't understand what that meant if he doesn't know about your tumor.”

Elsa sighed with relief. “Please don't mention anything to Jeremy. I don't want him to know about my tumor.”

“And why is that, Elsa?”

“I don't want him to worry about me. That's all,” Elsa said with a low voice.

“Please, Doctor Johnson, make up something for me losing consciousness. Anything believable but not serious and tell Jeremy. He can never know I'm sick.”

Doctor Johnson reluctantly agreed after seeing how persistent she was about this.

Elsa, thinking about her losing consciousness, remembered her night with Jeremy. It was too early for a test to tell anything though, so she couldn't ask to do one.

But with her sickness, what would happen if she got pregnant? These were her last few hours. After a few hours, birth control pills would be too late to take.

“Doctor Johnson, what would happen if someone with a tumor like mine gets pregnant?”

"Depending on the aggressiveness of the tumor and the extent of the tumor, it may or may not be safe for the mother to carry the baby all the way to full term. Sometimes termination may be recommended.”

When Elsa heard that, she felt her heart getting heavy. “What if I get pregnant right now?” she asked.

She hoped that she would not be recommended to have an abortion. She hoped her tumor wouldn't stop her from having a baby.

“Right now, you may be able to keep the baby all the way to full term and deliver the baby safely. Your tumor is not too aggressive, yet.”

“This could be your chance to have a child before things get worse and it's no longer safe,” he added

Elsa felt relieved hearing that. And at that moment, she decided she would not be taking a Plan B.

She wanted to have Jeremy's child, a child who was made from the love she had for him.

Also, a child who would live and be considered a part of her. Even after she dies, the baby will live for her.

That would be consolation enough for her. And that could be her gift to Jeremy too.

She thanked the doctor and told him he could call Jeremy back, who was waiting in the hallway.

When Jeremy came in, the doctor told him that Elsa fainted because of dehydration and she would be okay. She had had this problem before, which is why the doctor said it was normal she lost consciousness. He advised Elsa to drink a lot of fluids and rest more.

Jeremy didn't suspect anything, much to Elsa's relief, and took Elsa home after thanking the doctor.

Calm is almost over... Time for the storm... things are to take a 180°  turn.

Also, it's your girl Soledad reminding you to follow her. 😉

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