chapter 143

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“Mr. Callahan, please, don't hurt me. I'm sorry... Please,” he pleaded, cowering as the blows became too much to bear.

Jeremy grabbed his collar, forcing him to look at him.

“After what you tried to do, you think I won't hurt you? How dare you touch her?” he roared.

Raffi looked terrified, struggling to compose himself. His nose was bleeding, his lip was busted, and the next punch from Jeremy gave him a red, swollen eye that would turn black in a day or two.

Elsa saw this as her chance. She sat on the bed and reached for the rope with her mouth, using her teeth to try and untie it.

She attempted to pull at the knots with her teeth. Seeing Elsa's efforts to chew through the ropes, Jeremy left Raffi and went to help her .

“Stay on the ground! You're not allowed to get up!” he commanded. Jeremy grabbed a pocket knife from the table and easily cut the rope, freeing Elsa.

Meanwhile, Raffi was calculating how to get to the door and run away, but Jeremy saw right through him and immediately returned to his side. He grabbed Raffi by the neck and forced him to stand up.

“Talk!” he demanded.

“M-mm... Mr... Mr. Callahan, please... it's not... it's not what you think... I can assure you,” Raffi stammered.

“What is it then?” Jeremy asked, his eyes filled with murderous intent as he held onto Raffi's neck.

Elsa, now off the bed and holding her shirt to cover herself since the buttons had been ripped off, wanted to tell Jeremy to let him go. She didn't like violence. As long as nothing happened to her, they should just call the police.

They shouldn't take matters into their own hands. What could this man even say? That he wanted to sleep with her because he admired her? That he mistook her for Gwen?

“You see, Mr. Callahan, my issue with Gwen is all about revenge. She scammed me, sir. She scammed me out of my money!” Raffi explained, his voice trembling.

Jeremy's grip tightened slightly. “How did she scam you?” he asked.

With a trembling voice, Raffi continued, “I helped her, you see. I helped Gwen change her data. She came to me and asked if I could help her alter her information.

“I'm a member of a gang, and we have people in the FBI, so erasing someone from existence is an easy thing. You just delete them from the government database and all the records associated with them.

“That's what we were supposed to do. We were supposed to completely erase Gwen so that she doesn't exist and then make Gwen into Elsa. Her life and everything in it would become Elsa's. I was the one personally responsible for that.”

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