chapter 188

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Jeremy looked at Victoria, a little surprised. "I thought you were downstairs?" he asked.

"Yeah... Uhm!... I was, but I came up to look for you," Victoria replied.

Jeremy nodded. "I have to get something, I'll be down in a sec."

With that, he walked past her and went into his room to look for his phone.

He found it on the nightstand and made sure to close his door before calling Elsa. Impatiently, he waited for her to pick up.

Meanwhile, Elsa was heading back to the living room, trying to get the sound of a woman moaning out of her head, when her phone started ringing again.

She looked at it in her hand and stopped in her tracks when she saw that Jeremy was calling.

"Now what?" she thought. "Will he be the one moaning this time?"

Elsa decided not to answer and just pressed ignore, rejecting his call.

When Jeremy saw that his call was rejected, he gritted his teeth and called again.

Elsa took two steps before her phone started ringing once more.

It was Jeremy, for the third time.

She looked at the screen and pouted as her eyes filled with tears. She was afraid of answering the call.

No matter what he did, she had been putting her hopes up on Jeremy, and each time, he disappointed her.

She let it ring, and when the call ended, she put her phone on silent and placed it on the table facing down.

Elsa stayed with Yuliana for a few more minutes before Lui came home.

The moment he saw Yuliana, he froze. Was he seeing things? He hadn't taken any illegal substances, so he couldn't be hallucinating.

Why did that child resemble Elsa so much? She looked like a little version of Elsa, or Gwen! Didn't Elsa notice that the child looked like her?

Or did she notice and that was why she liked the child?

And those eyes, Yuliana's eyes, they made Lui nervous. He tried to stay composed and keep his cool.

Lui was a little concerned seeing the child in his house, but since she looked so comfortable with Elsa, he didn't say anything.

They didn't know exactly who that child was or where she came from. It seemed like Elsa had just found her.

It was almost time for them to go where Lui wanted to take Elsa, and the first thing he wanted was to get her all dolled up.

This made Elsa a little nervous, and she asked where exactly he was taking her.

Lui told her it was somewhere she would like to go and would probably be upset if she missed it, so he would take her.

However, she would need to dress in something a little fancy.

Elsa told him she didn't want to go to some rich people's party, and he promised it wasn't a party.

Only for him to not only bring her a gown, but only also mobile make-up and hair stylists.

The gown was off-shoulder and red in color, with a long slit that reached her upper thigh.

It was too daring for Elsa, but she looked too good to complain.

Her make-up made her look classy as well. It wasn't too much, but it gave her a confident woman look. It gave her an alluring but innocent look, if that made sense.

When she came downstairs after everything was done, she found Lui waiting for her. He was still dressed in one of his suits.

"It must be very fancy if you still won't lose the suit," she commented jokingly.

Lui just smiled and walked over to her. He offered his hand and said, "Ready to have fun?"

"What kind of fun is this that involves us dressing so fancy?" Elsa asked.

"The kind that you would love, Miss Elsa," Lui replied, nodding at his own words.

Elsa tilted her head to the left a little and asked, "And how would you want me to love, Mr. Lui?"

His handsome face gave her a sly smile. "I guess I would know when I see a smile on your face."

Elsa smiled back and took his hand. He then led her to his car and drove them off.

Elsa wished she could take Yuliana, but she didn't even know where they were going. And based on how they were dressed, it was not a place Yuliana would find fun.

So she made sure Yuliana was comfortable with the maids before she left her.

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