chapter 177

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The whole room went silent as they waited for Elsa to speak.

Victoria was holding her breath. She was still confident that there was nothing Elsa could say to get her out of this mess. She had no way of proving she never cheated on Jeremy. What were her words against such evidence?

“Well,” Elsa started her story. “I left work late that day at the hospital. I don't have a car, so I have been going to work and leaving from work with taxis. At that time, it was close to midnight, and I had to get home, so I knew I had no choice but to look for a taxi.

“There weren't any driving by because of the late hour. So, I had no choice but to walk home, hoping I would run into one along the way.

“So, I was walking down the road, waiting for a cab to drive by when a big black van stopped next to me. Then a man got out and grabbed me. I was able to slip away, but then he started chasing me down the street. I knew he was someone I didn't know, so there was no way this was going to turn out well if he caught me. But, I was either too slow, or he was too fast because he eventually caught me. And my screams for help did nothing because there was nobody else on that road who could have heard me or helped me.

“He put a cloth with something like alcohol spirit on it on my nose and mouth and pressed it long enough for me to lose consciousness. I woke up hours later with my hands tied up to the bed. The man started talking to me like he knew me, and that's when I knew he mistook me for my twin sister, just like how everybody has ever since I came to this city.

“He was someone who wanted my sister but never got her, so he resorted to forcing himself on her. Something he had tried before and failed. But he thought that night he would get lucky. After I refused, he threatened to take degrading and humiliating pictures of me if I didn't agree and put them on the internet.

“Luckily for me, before he could try anything, Jeremy came just in time. For me, it was like a miracle because I didn't know how he even knew where to find me or that I needed help at that exact moment. That was how I was able to escape before he took advantage of me.”

She didn't tell the old master that she had called Jeremy prior and he didn't pick up.

She also didn't see a reason to tell about how the man changed character when Jeremy appeared. Right now, what mattered was him knowing there was nothing going on between her and Raffi.

When she came there and they talked the first time, Elsa told him that she wasn't Gwen. Something she didn't know if he believed or not. But, he didn't call her a liar. He just told her not to worry, time will uncover everything.

“Old Master Callahan, I promise you I was really kidnapped. I don't know that man. Nothing has ever happened between me and him,” Elsa added before going quiet.

Lorna sneered. “You think the old Master will listen to your lies? All you do is lie. We all know you don't have a twin sister, and you are just using that excuse so as to not take responsibility for all your crimes in the past. You are indeed a scheming woman.”

The Old Master just looked at his daughter-in-law and sighed. Then he turned to his granddaughter-in-law. There was silence as he just observed her. Nobody knew exactly why he was just watching her. The silence lasted two minutes.

“I believe you,” the old Master suddenly said, taking everyone in the room by surprise, including Elsa.

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