chapter 157

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“She shouldn't know because she will get hurt! Elsa is too naive; she sees the world in rainbows and bunnies, like a child. She is too innocent and pure.

“This world would break her and completely destroy her. She is too naive for me to let her in here, too naive for her own good.

“I don’t want her to know about Jeremy and his family, about the lion cub position, and I don't want her to know about what really happened with us before we were born and why she is a lion cub. I can let her know about Mum’s death not being suicide, but that's it.”


“Listen, Alexandria... Everyone in this... From the Callahans, the Rowlands, and the McConnells, they are not good people. That is why I have kept my sister hidden. I have kept her away from this world.

“She doesn't visit me; I go to her, and if she tries to come, I don't let her. She thinks I am only doing illegal things, so it's not hard to keep her away. This is all to protect her.

“Do you really think the Rowlands would leave her alone if they find out Elsa knows she is the lion cub? Do you think they will let her be? I am only alive because they don't know I know. I cannot let them get access to her. They know she exists, yes, but I will not allow them near her enough to hurt her.

“And Jeremy is another way they can get near her... I don't think I was the person Jeremy saw at that university. Maybe he saw my sister. And if that is the case, he cannot get near her. Let him believe it's me, but I do not want him anywhere close to her.”

“And why is that?”

“Because Elsa is too naive, Alex! Who knows how that would end? If she and him get together and have any kind of relationship, do you really think it would end well? Especially with Victoria still around and wanting Jeremy desperately?”

Alex sighed, “You're right.”

“The only reason I have avoided being abused by the Rowlands is because I am not an easy target for them. If Elsa gets involved with Jeremy, she will unknowingly be calling the devil's family her way. They will come for her.

“Elsa stays in this bubble. She only sees the best of everything and loves very blindly. I wish so hard she would be tougher and stronger, but she isn't. She still has that childlike innocence she hasn't gotten rid of.

“They will harm her. Hell, maybe even Jeremy himself would hurt her. And I may not be able to protect her. I may not be there to shield her from it, and that scares me. The Callahans and the Rowlands are people she should stay away from.”

Alex sighed again shakily. “But how will she know they are dangerous for her if you don't tell her?”

“Right now, there is no reason for her to know. She doesn't even know them, so what's the point? I have gotten Jeremy where I want him, and Victoria will not be marrying him. What's left is to find enough evidence to put them in jail.”

“What if one day Elsa stumbles her way into all this? What if she coincidentally gets herself involved in this, and for some reason, you are not there to help her? Then what?” Alex asked.

“If you ever see her and she looks hurt in any shape or form because of either family... If I can't help her, you do. And this is how I want you to help... I want you to call Lui at that exact moment and tell him everything from top to bottom. And then, take Elsa to him. He will shield her.”

“Why can't you be the one to tell him?”

“Because in this situation, I won't be there, remember?” Gwen said.

“You want me to take her to Lui?” She asked just to be sure.

“Yeah.” She looked at the room before adding, “Bring her here. But don't tell her anything.”


Gwen the viper..

Gwen the viper

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