Dragon Vistor

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Grunt Goblin: ARGH! GET GRUNT OUT!! AH!

Jack: ....

Max: ...

Caboose: ...

Genesis: ...

Jack: So this was the trap? Are they giving Grunts Mechs now?

Max: That's what I was thinking, that's gotta be the dumbest decision they've made so far right now! So what are you gonna do with it?

Jack: This? That Grunt is still alive.

Genesis: Why won't we just give it back to Catherine?

Max: Oh...


Jack: Woah, what are you doing?!

Max: Shooting him.

Jack: Yeah but... never mind, Caboose, you see the ship?

Caboose: Uhh, yup!

Jack: Good, do us a favor and take this Mech thing with us, give it to Catherine back home.

Caboose: Oh ok, she's gonna be so happy when I bring this home!

Genesis: Finally, as soon as we get home, I gonna get me some Red Angel Blood!

Max: Hell no, last time you drank that shit, you threw up a rainbow vomit! And I'm not rushing you to the bathroom again!

Genesis: Oh come on, it was one time!

Max: One time was enough to know that you easily can get tipsy.

Genesis: You guys act like I'm a child, I'm way older than you guys!

Max: Yeah, but so is Jack! He was asleep for millions of years when he was a baby.

Jack: What? I don't think that makes me older than you guys, I'm in my twenties right now. Plus, I think my mom and Sonia put some type of slow-aging spell on me.

Max: Meh, I still think you're older!

Genesis: If he was older, he would have had lots of wrinkles.

Max: Not one time I've seen a wrinkle on you, Genny, you were asleep for a while.

Genesis: That's because I'm too beautiful for a goddess like me!

Max: I think otherwise.

Genesis: What?!

Jack: Stop, come on, board the damn ship!

Max: You really get annoyed when we talk.

Once the ship arrived, the three of them finally boarded the ship to head home after a successful mission.


Sometime later, the ship finally lands in Vultra City as the three of them admire the giant structures that are being rebuilt and recovering from last year's Apex invasion and the damage caused by the Flood. The war against the Flood was now gone thanks to U.N.S.F, U.N.S.I, U.N.S.E, and their new allies, the Arbiter. Of course, the war isn't over but at least the dangerous and disgusting Flood that took many lives and homes was now no more.

Thanks to their bravery and sacrifices, they are now remembered as the savior of the galaxy and were rewarded for such a battle. Many things changed, Genesis was now officially known as the "Guardian AI", a powerful AI that was now recognized to be the human's first alien artificial intelligence partner for Jack thanks to Catherine who was the reason for creating the chip.

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