23. Letter

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I was humming a song to myself when i halted....


I turned but no one was there. I knew it's not safe to be outside too long so I turned on heel to go back to the mansion but suddenly i froze when a voice spoke up.

"Missed me m'lady?.... It's been a while huh!"

My body LITERALLY went stiff.

I slowly turned towards the voice i despise with my whole heart.

"Sweetheart~ you didn't forget me, did you?"

I mustered up some courage and spoke up.

Ezz : w-why are you here Baekhyun..... weren't you satisfied enough after what you did to me?

Baekhyun : sweetie~ i did nothing. All I did was loving you but what did you give me in return? Huh? You ran away from me.

He glared and took steps towards me as i took steps back in horror. All the old memories came flashing down in front of me. Specially those two days i spent feeling so helpless and disgusted.

He kept coming closer and closer and eventually trapped me between a wall and him. My mind went blur. I felt my body go numb infront of him. I was hating his presence....

He raised his hand and grabbed my nape and wrist while all i could do was stare at nothingness and let my tears fall off. 

But no...i can't give up just like that. I can't just let him use me and take me.

I mustered up all the courage and strength and raised my foot to stomp on his feet, hard....

He winced as he let go of me and i took the chance to run away as fast as i can. I dragged my feet as fast as i could and let them take me just anywhere but far away from him. I heard his faint voice, yelling for someone. He's not alone. He has his men with him. I turned around while running to take a quick glance at him but just to see his men behind me. I dragged my feet to an alleyway and crouched down behind a huge bar of something. I hid there, clasping my mouth shut with my palm to not let any sounds come out.

I was weeping terribly.

My heart beat raised as I heard his men searching for me in the alleyway. I heard them whispering among themselves and looking here and there. Hearing to their footsteps as they search for me. I let out an inaudible sigh as I heard all the sounds vanishing, indicating that they have left.

I was panting silently when suddenly my eyes widened as i felt someone grabbing me by my hairs. The person made me forcefully stand up on my feet as I came face to face in front of a smirking monster.

Ezz : let me go Baekhyun.....pls let me-let me go. Please, i wanna go back. I beg you.

Baekhyun : mhhm no sweetie, I've waited soo long for this damn day. Let's go. I've always told you. You belong to me only my love.

Ezz : no Baekhyun. It's not love that you have for me. It's-its obsession. No lover hurts their love like you hurted me.

I whimpered in pain as he tightened his grip on my hair and gritted out.

Baekhyun : i love you and you are only mine. You believe it or not but this won't fucking change. We had enough time pass princess, let's go now.

Ezz : no-

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