25. choose. Simple!

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-------Aerin's pov-------

I pushed my chair, the one I was tied to, and stopped when it hit the table. I struggled as I tried to extend my arm even though it was tied to the chair. After a lot of struggle, I finally grabbed the wooden stick lying on the table.

Grabbing the stick in my fist, I gathered all the strength in me and swung the stick, knocking down a photo frame.

The photo frame broke with a loud sound with glass pieces everywhere. But I can't grab those pieces.

I once again swung the stick and successfully knocked down the frame hanging just on top of the table. The frame broke and the pieces of glass scattered on the table.

I sighed as I let go of the stick and reached my hand out to grab one of the glass pieces. Some of the small glass pieces pierced my palm but I bit down my whimpers as I got hold of the glass piece.

I started cutting the rope on my wrist with the glass. It looked almost impossible to cut the rope but after a couple of minutes, the rope broke.

I smiled as I hastily freed my wrist and started removing the other ropes.

I finally stood on my heels as I looked down at my hands. Wrist bruised, cuts on the palm. I ignored the stinging as I rushed my gaze around the room, just hoping to find anything to escape, just any way to escape.

My eyes almost watered as I felt all that struggle to untie myself was for nothing because there was no way out. But finally, my gaze fell upon a vent that was hidden behind the small table.

I rushed there as I moved the table aside, revealing a vent. I knelt down.

The duct almost looked very old and weak so I grabbed the wooden stick again and hit the corners of the vent nonstop.

I hit and hit and hit it with all my might. I didn't care about the burn in my arms or the sting of my palms. All I wanted was to get the fuck away from here. Tears started falling from my eyes as I kept on hitting that damn thing and then with a loud noise, the vent duct broke open and i fell on my back, panting silently.

I let out a satisfied sigh and got on all fours to crawl inside. It looked like an air conditioning vent or something. I crawled inside totally and crawled and crawled and crawled. Just going anywhere that vent was leading to.

Soon, after some turns and so, I found an opening in the vent. I still had the stick with me so once again I broke the vent open and carefully peeked outside. It looked like an office. The room was painted in royal red and black. There was a monitor and a huge table with other office items. I crawled out of the vent as the room was empty. I quickly went towards the window, knowing very well that I shouldn't risk going out of the door because there might be Baekhyun's men around. I looked out of the window. It looked like I was on the first floor only and beneath the window, there were no men, just an empty backyard. It was strange to see that there were no men or guards around.

I put my feet out of the window and sat on the window. I looked down and the memories of me climbing my room's balcony flashed. I'm stupid. I'm fucking stupid. If I hadn't jumped out of the balcony at that time, I wouldn't be here, crawling vents.

I carefully jumped to a platform that was between the 1st floor and the ground floor. I jumped down from there, landing straight on the ground. In the process, I bumped my shoulder, but that was my last concern. I needed to rush out ASAP.

Just as I was about to make a run for it to the backdoor, something very hard hit me on the back of my head. My eyes widened as my hands went to my head, on the place where I just got hit. I turned slowly, and there he was...... Baekhyun.......looking like the arrogant bitch he is, standing there with a gun. I bring the palms of my hand in front of my face to see....blood.

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