Ch. 1| Paradox

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I turned around at the mention of my favourite name. The sight of the raven haired male walking in my direction with the biggest smile on his face made my heart ache.

How can a person be so painfully attractive?

Our shoulders were about to brush as he was going to walk past me. Just then, I got pulled by my waist, my lips getting captivated by another pair.

It was a brief but deep kiss as I felt his plump lips colliding against me. "We won, babe," he whispered in my ear. I found his lips again to kiss him back. "So proud of you, Sunghoon," I lied.

My eyes travelled around me, trying to search for Heeseung. I wanted to see his gorgeous smile all the time. But he was already crowded by a lot of other girls who were probably congratulating him for the win or just waiting for their chance.

The first time, I met Heeseung was at a celebratory party of their one of the many victories. I still remembered how mesmerising the night was—

         Five months ago—

"So what is this party for?" I asked, not backing away when Jake leaned close to me. The male smirked at my boldness. "To celebrate our win and the birthday of our best basketball player who brought the trophy home."

"Where is he?" I asked, glancing around. Jake grabbed a hold of my shoulders and spun me around. "The one who is surrounded by all the girls, Lee Heeseung of software engineering department."

I watched the guy, Jake was talking about. His tall figure was leaning over the counter, most probably flirting with the receptionist. He had not entered the bar but still somehow was surrounded by a number of girls.

My mouth gaped when the spotlight was directed on his face, enhancing his sculpting features. His wide orbs seemed to glisten in brown which was his original colour and gold radiating from the light.

The male walked into the bar, his broad shoulders colliding against numerous heads of the crowd surrounding him so naturally as if they were used to being unaware of that.

A small smile playfully danced on Heeseung's thin curvy lips, showing off his well refined cupid bow when his eyes met with the person beside me. My heart panged at the thought-What if it was me?

Jake immediately smiled back at him as if congratulating him for the success. Heeseung walked towards the bar to get a drink for himself, taking a seat only a few steps away from me who was still staring at him.

I elbowed Jake's arm, gaining his attention even though he already knew what was up with me. "Can you introduce me to him?" I requested, raising one eyebrow, eyes signalling in the direction of the mighty captain of Seoul National University's basketball team.

"Sure," the male said, leaning in. His arm sneakily encircled my waist as he proceeded to say the rest, "What do I get in return?" His slender fingers brushed against my cold cheek.

I thought hard for a few minutes, straining my brain on what could make these guys happy who already had everything in this world. "I will set you up with someone I know?"

Jake chuckled darkly at my attempt to make a deal. "Yeah, sure." The cocky response intimidated me a little. I awkwardly shifted in his arms. "I will introduce you to Heeseung. But you will have to do the rest. I won't help you anymore after this."

I nodded earnestly. "I will do the rest by myself. I just don't know how to breakthrough this wild crowd of girls."

Jake let out a snicker at my choice of words. "You are one of them too now so don't blame them much." A scoff left my lips as a reaction to his remark.

"Never in a million years I am that annoying," I stated, pointing shallowly with my index to the group of girls swarming over Heeseung who was just trying to drink.

Jake decided not to try to explain their behaviour anymore, flashing a smirk at me. "We will see about that," he spoke in a low voice.

The palm of his hand was fixated on the side of my waist as he dragged me along with him. "She is Ryu Jiah, an exchange student from LA," he introduced me to Heeseung without any last warning, "I think you two will have fun."

Loud whines stung my ears from the crowd of girls when they saw Jake introducing me. Heeseung used to believe in Jake. So they knew he would definitely spend time with me, listening to Jake's words.

"Hey," the male greeted me, locking his gaze with mine. I could feel the organ in the middle of my rib cage going wildly insane, fearing if even others would be able to listen to its throbbing.

But it was no time to back down. The other girls created a tiny space for me to get closer to Heeseung. I walked towards him before settling myself on his muscular thighs, wrapping my arms around his neck.

The scent of his manly cologne filled my brain, making me absolutely unable to think of anything. On top of that, the ace smirked, one corner of his beautiful lips curved upwards.

"Comfortable there, doll?"


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