Ch. 28| A Dance

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"Don't look at me with those eyes, Jiah. It's getting harder holding myself back."

I instantly tore my gaze away from Heeseung. "Stop making up nonsense. You don't think of me as anyone special."

There was a brief period of silence before he spoke up,

"You are not cute at all, Ryu." I scowled at him. "See, I told you!"

"You sound like you want me to treat you special," the male muttered, staring into my eyes. "That doesn't matter." I was about to walk away but Heeseung grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

"Let go." I tried to sound as calm as possible. "Why doesn't it matter?" I could see his jaw tightening. Is he mad?

"Because you never tell me anything."

Heeseung let out a bitter laugh. "What do you wanna know?"

"That bruise on your lips, who did it?" My question made Heeseung let go off of my arm. "Let's not talk about this."

He plopped down on the ground. I also sat beside him. "Then tell me something else."

"Not about anything that happened outside the campus," he replied, closing his eyes. I clicked my tongue at his childishness.

"How did you throw the ball so accurately on the target and drop it so loudly? I couldn't even shoot it with a gun."

Heeseung let out a chuckle before nudging my arm with his elbow. He flexed his arm a little, quirking one eyebrow at his biceps. "Wanna touch?"

"No thanks," I replied with a shake of my head. A smile automatically appeared on my lips. "Sometimes it's so easy being with you," I accidentally said it out loud.

Heeseung peered at me. I could barely see his dark brown orbs now that the firework show was over. Nevertheless the small smile sitting on his lips could not escape my sight.

"So now are you gonna break up with Sunghoon and-"

"Shut up, Heeseung!" I interrupted his sentence, knowing exactly what he was going to say.

"Then dance with me."


"Yeah, just one dance I'm asking for." The male stood up, stretching his hand out in front of me. "After the fireworks show, they play romantic songs centrally. I'm sure all the other couples are already dancing."

"Heeseung I-"

"Come on, don't make me wait so much."

I held his hand but only to get up from the ground. "I really don't think it would be a good idea to dance in front of everyone after all that happened yesterday. People already think you are my boyfriend instead of Sunghoon."

"So be it."

"What are you even saying?"

My words made his expression change. A grim frown took over his usual carefree face. "Nothing just-" It was the first time I saw him stuttering, "I mean, it doesn't matter what people think. The only important thing is-"

"Another time, Heeseung," I replied with a smile. "For now, I need to leave. I really wanted to thank you for last night. I wonder what would have happened if you weren't there since Sunghoon wasn't in the position to take care of me as well."

"If you are so thankful, then why won't you dance with me?" He still looked dead serious. I pursed my lips, pondering about why it mattered so much to him. More reasons for me to refuse.

"Don't push it now," I said, letting out a chortle.

The male did not seem amused at all. "Bye," I bade him farewell, making myself away from him before it would get harder to do so even more than it already was.

I took my phone out of my purse and dialed Sunghoon's number, "We need to talk."

As a result, I was sitting across my boyfriend in a local restaurant. He ironically seemed pretty pissed off.

"I thought you were spending time with Heeseung," Sunghoon muttered after a while. His jaw tightened as he spoke.

"Is that why you had left the party without me last night?" I retorted, stating my only reason to ignore him the whole day.

The male seemed flustered at my sudden attack. Does he never even get bothered, seeing me and Heeseung together, despite knowing that I used to have a huge crush on him?

"Does it matter? You had Heeseung to pick you up. I was wasted anyways."

"My point exactly, Sunghoon. You got wasted, totally without considering about me." I sipped into my caramel latte. "Do you even realise what could happen if Heeseung didn't pick me up? Jeno said that Jaemin-"

I halted, noticing the change in his expression. I did not want to create unnecessary troubles between our departments. "Anyway, who could testify that you got wasted and didn't spend the night with someone else-"

"I swear nothing happened, Jiah," he finally spoke fast, "I woke up alone."

"It is your relationship, Hoon," I uttered, the things that I wanted to say sooner, "You started it, claiming that you like me. I am also trying my best to maintain it, trust me."

I emphasized my words, remembering the multiple times I was about to lean in towards Heeseung and melt into him completely. But I stopped myself thinking about Sunghoon.

"So if you aren't into it, there is absolutely no point in continuing this relationship."

Sunghoon's face lost its colour as I stood up. "Jiah, wait," he spoke, standing up as well, "I wanna continue as well. It's not what you think. It's not that I'm not into this relationship."

I deeply exhaled, looking into his eyes, trying to search for truth, which I had once believed before dating him. "Really?"

"Yeah," the male muttered before stepping towards me, "I understand why you wanted to thank Heeseung earlier. I wanna thank him as well for keeping you safe whilst me not being there."

Is it even worth it, Hoon?

Sunghoon cupped my face and linked our lips. I kissed him back after a few seconds. Then let's try to make this relationship work once again.

I felt myself almost welling up when my kiss with Heeseung at the rooftop suddenly flashed in my mind. But how will I date you when I still like Heeseung-so much?


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Do you think it's a good idea for them to continue this relationship guys? I honestly feel so vulnerable rn. Jiah rejecting Heeseung for just a dance killed me ngl :'((

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