Ch. 17| Ms. Righteous

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"That's an intrusive thought, Jiah,"

Heeseung's husky sleepy voice caught me off guard, causing me to stare into his beautiful dark brown orbs. He grabbed my hand and swiftly stole the marker from me. "And now you are gonna pay."

My eyes widened, hearing his words. I immediately stood up and tried to snatch the marker pen from him. There's no way in hell I would let him draw on my face.

"Give it back to me, Lee!" I yelled, being frustrated of my failed attempts to take it from him. "You started it, princess," he spoke with a smirk plastered on his lips, "Now I should be the one to end it."

I ignored how dangerously attractive he sounded as I was very close to the marker. Just when I was about to grab it, he took it out of my reach again, causing me to lose my balance and fall down on his thighs.

I stumbled on the man's chest trying to keep my face away from his. What just happened? I looked up at him.

Heeseung was intently staring at me. His eyes seemed to search for answers in mine to questions probably even he did not know. Why does it have to be so complicated?

I could feel his right arm wrapped around my waist, tightly gripping my side, possibly to prevent me from falling down. When did he hold me? I didn't realise in all the commotions.

I stared back into his eyes, noticed how slowly his gaze trailed down my face, as if admiring it, down to my lips.

I deeply exhaled out, feeling unable to breathe in this extreme suffocating tension between us.

Heeseung reached up to gently remove the hair strands from my face. His cold touch against my skin sent a chill down my spine.

The ravenette brought his mouth close to my ear before whispering, "That's not how a good girl should behave, Jiah."

I gulped at his way of saying 'good girl'. My eardrums seemed to melt by his honey dripping voice. I was getting weaker with the time passing.

My legs felt numb with the feeling of his thighs under mine, reminding me about that night when we had first met. Does he still remember it?

His thumb softly caressed my jaw, noticing the change in my expression. He knew how insanely weak I was against him. He knew his power over me.

Heeseung trailed down his fingers a little down my neck before I could finally mustered up my strength to stop him.

It was possible due to my willpower against what every cell of my body desired.

Heeseung smirked when I held his hand and kept it down before getting up from his thighs. "I have a boyfriend, Lee. I can't be acting like this."

He listened to me, smirking still, not taking me seriously at all. "Tell that to yourself, Ms. Righteous," the male said before walking away.

No rehearsal again, huh? I thought, realising the awkwardness of this situation around us. But we will be a complete laughingstock without final rehearsals.

I ran to Heeseung and caught a hold of his wrist. This short sprint made me pant as he turned around to face me. "What-" The words got stuck in my throat due to my gasping, making it evident that I was not athletic at all.

"What about-"

"Calm down, Ryu," Heeseung spoke, grabbing my shoulders, "Take a few breaths first. Geez, why did you run in the first place if you are so incapable of it?"

I smacked his arm, causing him to wince, "Ow."

"Whose fault is that?" I said after finally catching my breath. "Mine?" His eyes unexpectedly perked up, "Are you saying it's my fault? It's amazing how grossly I'm involved in your life without even making an effort."

I furrowed my eyebrows at his smugness to which he just laughed as a response. "What did you want to say to me which was so important that it could not wait and forced you to dash towards me?"

"What about our rehearsals? I waited all along for it!" His face fell when I mentioned it. "Later-I guess."

"Heeseung, there is no time left. Do you realise the play is in two days and we have to perform in front of real people?"

"Okay, okay, I get it."

Thus we could finally finish our final rehearsals, making us prepared for the stage. I really don't wanna embarrass myself anymore!


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Guys I managed to update again! Their romance!!!! I swear I'm melting. Heeseung is just too hot;;

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