Ch. 11| Ace

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"I liked you since the first day I met you. You don't know the way I always sneakily glance at you at every chance I get, the way you are always on my mind even though you were not with me, the—"

I got cut off by the person sitting across me.

"You would be shocked to know that I did that too," Heeseung muttered, letting out a bitter laugh. His face was just inches away from me.

I could not notice when he leaned in so much while sitting on a chair in front of me. "The way you touch your hair whenever you are shy, makes my heart pang. I don't know what to name this emotion."

I stared into his brown bambi eyes that seemed to drown me into them. I hoped to not sink when he leaned even more. "I love you, Kim Sora."

The strange yet familiar name brought me back to the reality when I realised that we were just rehearsing the lines of the drama and Kim Sora was the female protagonist.

How did Heeseung act so well? What can he not do? I shook my head, being out of character.This man never fails to surprise me.

Then it struck my mind that he was probably used to saying these kinds of lines to every other random girl.

Heeseung placed one hand on his mouth and pretended to throw up. "Who wrote these lines? These are so cringey as fuck!"

"Jay," I let him know, "Who else?"

"Ugh!" The male grunted. "It has given me a headache now. I need coffee," he said, rolling his eyes, "You need something?"

I was about to tell him what I wanted to drink but Heeseung interrupted me with a smirk, "Other than me, of course."

"Shut up!" I yelled, making him laugh as a response, "I wanna drink caramel machiato."

"Suits you," he muttered, snickering, "Or something like strawberry milkshake with a lot of whipped cream and bubbles and foams and unicorns and—Did I mention strawberries?"

"Cut it out, Hee!" I let out a laugh at his silliness. "What did you just call me?" Heeseung said, quirking an eyebrow, "Wait, did Ryu Jiah just laugh at my jokes?"

I quickly composed myself, realising how huge of a mistake I had committed. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

"I called you Lee," I lied to him for the nth time that day.

I'm supposed to act rude with you.

"I clearly heard you calling me something else. Was that a nickname, Ryu?"

You are not a nice guy. You will hurt me.

"Stop making things up and get me caramel machiato. We need to go through half of the script by today."

Heeseung finally decided to leave me alone and go to buy our drinks. I spent the meantime, reading through the cheesy lines Jay wrote, imagining how lovesick the guy actually was.

"Here's your choco milk tea, Ms. Sora." Heeseung was soon back but instead of sitting on the chair, he sat on the couch beside me. Our shoulders brushed together and for a brief second it felt as if everything had stopped.

"That's not what I had asked for, Kang Hwan," I addressed him by the name of the character he was playing.

"You also had called me by a different name earlier," he said, wiggling his eyebrows referring to me accidentally calling him by Hee. "Keep dreaming," my lies tried their best to hide my actual feelings.

"And you keep lying."

I did not reply anything to that, knowing very well that I would mess up if I had said anything else.

Something else and new was bothering me at that time, paining my brain. The way our arms were subtly touching made me lose my mind. The urge to just let everything go and rest my head on his shoulder was pressuring me heavily.

I still somehow managed to control the urge. Instead I held his hand, surprising myself as well.

"How come your hands are so big? Do you have gigantism?"

Heeseung parted his lips in a half mocking and half startled way before exhaling out a chortle. The male tilted his head to the side and spoke up, "You just need an excuse to hold my hand, darlin'."

I instantly let go off of his hand and coughed out pretentiously. "I'm a medical student so I can't help pointing out an abnormality when I see one."

"Oh really?" The ravenette chuckled, hearing my lame excuse, not buying it at all. He cocked one eyebrow before holding my hand in his. His thumb gently traced over my fingers, caressing their tips.

"It's not my problem that you are a minion. Supposedly you are suffering from dwarfism. Or maybe hypothyroidism? Since you are also kinda cracked in the head."

"Pipe down!" I jerked my hand back from his hold to which he responded with another laugh. "And how do you know about all these diseases?"

"It's basic, Ryu," the ace said, pursing his lips, making me internally facepalm myself about doubting on his skills again.

Oh I forgot he's also an academic genius.


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This chapter was so soft and full of fluff. I loved it so much. How about you guys?

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