chapter 505

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Elsa and Coco arrived at Coventina that very day, despite Coco wanting them to stay and find or wait for Jeremy. Elsa was determined to go back home, and there was no changing her mind.

It was early the next day, around 7 am, when Elsa decided to go hunting. She lived in the mountains, Des mountains, just at the mountainside. This was because Anastasia Grishko wouldn't know her location. Even if she tried to follow her, they had a certain route they used to get to her house that would expose anyone following her and confuse them before they got close to her house.

Anastasia knew where Lui's house was. Wanting to ensure her children's safety, Elsa bought a house outside the city, in a hidden location.

She went alone to the nearby woods, taking her tranquilizer gun and some necessary gear.

Meanwhile, Jeremy was having breakfast with Maricruz and her friends. He only had coffee with him, holding the mug with both hands as he drank by himself. He had been blind for three months but had adjusted to his blindness and learned to do certain things independently.

The hotel Maricruz booked was one where they could have their privacy and be the only guests. This happens when you pay a lot of money and book the entire hotel, making it unavailable for any other guests for the duration of your stay.

As they were having breakfast, Maricruz said to Jeremy, "So Jeremy, today is our first day of our vacation trip, and I was thinking we should go to the mountainside. What do you think?"

When Jeremy heard that, he answered blankly, "Sure, of course." He didn't even bother asking what they were going to do there or if there were any planned activities. He probably wouldn't even participate without his eyesight.

Which made him truly know he came here because of Elsa.

After breakfast, one of Maricruz's male friends, Leonardo, helped Jeremy as they walked into the woods.

As they walked along the paths, with Maricruz reading the map, Leonardo asked Jeremy, "You know, I know you."

Jeremy was not interested in small talk, so it took him forever to respond. When he finally did, it was with only one word, "Really?"

"Of course, everyone in Serpens knows the Young Master Jeremy Callahan... But what they don't know is that now you're blind. Even I knew when we came on this trip with you. What happened to you?"

To Jeremy, Leonardo was talking too much, especially considering he had just started the conversation. "Accident," Jeremy replied.

Leonardo should have taken that one-word answer to mean that Jeremy was uninterested in the conversation, but he just assumed that Jeremy was a man of few words, which was true. The only time he spoke more than three sentences was when he was talking to Elsa.

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