chapter 519

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The next day was pretty uneventful and calm. Jeremy spent time with the children as he planned everything he was going to do to help Elsa. When evening came, Elsa and Jeremy went to the bedroom again. They repeated what they did the previous night, and this time, Jeremy had Elsa close the lights and count to 10 before turning it back on.

He had Elsa do this a few times before instructing her to count to twenty. When Elsa successfully did this without panicking, Jeremy felt proud of her.

The next night, they did the same thing, and also the following day, making it four nights of Elsa only closing one light in the room.

On the fifth night, Elsa was able to turn off the light without Jeremy behind her holding her hand. This encouraged everyone, including Elsa.

With that feeling in mind, she felt she was ready to sleep with the lights in the room turned off. Jeremy was unsure if Elsa would be okay, but since it was just one light off and two of them still on, it was a baby step and she would be fine.

So that night, she slept with that one lamb closed.

Even though she didn't sleep well, she was still happy she could close her eyes.

The next night, Jeremy decided to try something different. This time, he asked Elsa to close her eyes, something that made Elsa look at him in panic.

Jeremy did not see her expression, but he could tell that she was not very confident about it. "It's okay, angel. Just trust me."

While seated on his lap, Elsa slowly closed her eyes. Her heart was racing fast as everything turned dark in front of her. With the rhythm of her breathing, Jeremy knew Elsa had closed her eyes. He placed his hand on the side of her face and held it gently. Then, he leaned back against the headboard, laying in a slanted position. Holding Elsa in his arms, he carefully placed her on his chest.

He kept his hand on the side of her face and started talking. "I'm not sure if you know this, but when I first saw you, I got so nervous, I almost forgot how to breathe...." Jeremy said to her in a soothing voice.

Elsa was still scared, her eyes closed, but she felt more curious at that moment. "W-what... What are you talking about?... D-didn't you first see me... First see me on your wedding day, and you thought I was Gwen?... You... You even tried to drag me away with you..." Elsa inquired with a shaky voice.

Jeremy chuckled lowly as he thought of that day. "Well, at that time, I did think you were Gwen, but meeting you that time gave me a different feeling compared to when I met Gwen. A feeling I had when I first saw you at Serpens University..."

There was some silence after that as Elsa was confused by his words. Jeremy could feel Elsa shifting on top of him as she asked with a low, soft voice, "Serpens University?"

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