chapter 542

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When Gwen heard that, her heart stopped

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When Gwen heard that, her heart stopped.  She couldn't take off her mask, she couldn't let Elsa see her, it will not end well for her. Or any of them.

She tried to take her hand back from Elsa but she wouldn't let her. She looked at her in the eye and she held her arm firmly. "Who are you? Why are you following me?" Elsa asked calmly.

She then furrowed her eyebrows as she asked, "Why do I feel so familiar around you?"

Elsa looked deep into her eyes as she said, "Something is familiar with you, like a sweet dream I have dreamt of for so long. You feel like someone I have always known."

That made Gwen's heart skip a beat. Why did she think she could be around the closest person in the world to her, her twin sister, and she wouldn't be able to sense anything?

They say twins have a deep connection. Maybe that is true.

She stared at Gwen's eyes and saw the panic that came after she heard her words. Now she wanted to know why this woman was hiding behind a mask.

Elsa then added, after a small smile, "You don't have to find your face from me. Show yourself, I want to meet you. I want to see who you are."

Gwen felt her eyes get teary. She couldn't contain herself anymore and pulled her into her arms. She held her tightly as she kept crying. She missed her sister so much, and she wanted with all her heart to tell her that she was still alive. But the consequences was something she did not want to bear. Or Elsa herself, to bear.

Every inch of her was trembling as she hugged her beloved sister. Silently praying in her heart and asking for her forgiveness. The pain and suffering Elsa endured in her name was something even she couldn't forgive herself.

Elsa, on the other hand, felt the familiarity of her touch. Everything in her was telling her this was someone she knew. But the person it was associating it with was someone who was dead. This couldn't be Gwen, right?

Left without a choice, before Elsa could break the hug and try to figure out her identity, Gwen took a drugged cloth from her pocket and broke the hug. She then, without warning, pressed the cloth on Elsa's face covering her mouth and nose. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at her sister who struggled trying to break free. But Gwen held her firmly, refusing to let go.

As she started to lose consciousness, Gwen whispered in her ear, "I love you so much, sister."

With that, Elsa fainted in her arms.

Gwen then gave her a little kiss on the forehead before taking her to her car so she can drive Elsa back to her own house.


"Again," Anastasia commanded and another whip was send on Lorna's back making her scream in pain.

She had been whipped almost 8 times now and she couldn't take any more. It hurt too much.

"Aah!... S-stop, y-you evil witch! What did I ever do to you for you to do this to me? Why are you hurting me? " Lorna said crying as she tried to get out of the chains trying her against the wall.

"You dare to ask me that question? You took my man away from me. Which is so insulting because I still have no idea how he can go from me, to you. You are such a downgrade from me," Anastasia said looking at Lorna with disgust.

She then saw George, who was tied up and gagged at one corner and forced to watch as his wife got beat up, mumbling like he wanted to say something.

She signaled her soldier to ungag him so he can speak and they did just that.

When George has his gag removed, he immediately said, "Anastasia, please. Let Lorna go, this has nothing to do with her. Stop hurting her."

Anastasia took a deep long drag of her cigar and then turned her eyes to George. She released the smoke and then said to him with a cunning look on her face, "you do realize that defending her will only make me want to hurt her more, right?"

She then got up from the chair and went to him. She started playing with his hair as she said to him, "We were supposed to be a family, George. You, me, and our son, Lui. But you abandoned me."

George flinched from her touch. In a serious tone, he said firmly, "I abandoned you because I saw you murder someone."

Anastasia's eyes turned gentle when she heard that. Her expression turned sad as she said, "I was trying to protect you, but you ran without letting me explain."

George shook his head. "I saw you... The way you killed him, Anastasia, that wasn't the first time. How could I have stayed? How could I still be your husband?"

Her eyes dropped on the floor as she looked away. She then took a deep sigh before looking back at George, who was looking away from her with no expression on his face. "But you leaving me is the only reason I am like this right now." She held his face and said, "Look at me, I would have been very different if you had chosen to stay with me."

George shook his head and gave her a dry face. "Don't put this on me. I didn't turn you into a killer, into a dangerous woman."

Anastasia looked hurt but his words and her eyes got teary. But she smiled through the hurt and said, "We will soon be a family, George. You won't abandon me again."

George looked at Anastasia and asked, "Where is Lui? Is he a part of this?"

"Whether he is or not is not important. The most important thing is that we will be together. And anyone who stands in our way, from The old Master, to Lorna, to Jeremy, to Elsa... They will all be face my wrath."

George turned to look at Lorna, who was crying on the floor with visible wounds on her body. He imagined this also happening to Jeremy, his father, and Elsa. He couldn't allow that to happen. He didn't want his family to get hurt, never again. Even if that means sacrificing himself for them.

He turned to look at Anastasia and declared with a voice filled with resolute, "Then let them go so that it's just you, me and Lui... Isn't that what you want? Then let everyone else go."

Anastasia, not expecting that, was taken aback. He willingly wanted to stay with her?

Seeing Anastasia's face soften, he continued, "Look, you just want the three of us to be a family, right? Then we will be. I won't leave you, I promise. Just let my father, Jeremy, and Lorna go, and leave Elsa alone... And they promise too to never come after you, after us, I'll stay with you. We will be a family just like you have always wanted. Just let them go."

When Anastasia heard that, she looked at him in disbelief. She was just about to respond when her lieutenant walked in, interrupting her.

"Lady dragon, someone is trying to stop Elsa from coming here."

That made Anastasia let go of George and walk over to the lieutenant. "Who?"

"We are not sure. But she stopped her when she was trying to track Jeremy down. But she isn't one of our soldiers, which is confusing."

Anastasia looked deep in thought then said, "Figure out who she is and bring her to me. Harmed but alive."

She then straightened her posture and said, "In the meantime, if the soldier Elsa has captive hasn't talked yet, which I'm sure he hasn't, give Elsa a way to get here. Send her a signal, maybe let her be able to track Jeremy's phone."

She then turned to George who had a pale look on his face, and said, "I want her here so that I can kill her and Jeremy on the same day. And that will be after I kill your father and wife for keeping us apart."

With the orders, the lieutenant left to complete the task.

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