chapter 536

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"It seems that way, angel!" Jeremy replied, his astonishment that he could finally see Elsa's beautiful face.

However, his primary concern was ensuring their safety and escaping this perilous situation. At the back of his mind, he remembered Elsa telling him that she still loved him earlier. Despite Elsa's recent declaration of love, doubts plagued Jeremy's mind. Did she truly mean it, or was it merely a ploy to protect him?

"Come, let's take you to a safe place," Jeremy urged, reaching out to take Elsa's hand. Yet, their escape was abruptly halted as three Lady Dragon men closed in on them. Instinctively, Jeremy positioned himself in front of Elsa, shielding and protecting her with his body. "Angel, stay behind me!" he commanded, assuming a defensive stance.

"Jeremy, I can defend myself. You don't have to protect me," Elsa insisted.

"No, I won't risk even a scratch on you. Please, stay behind me," Jeremy asserted firmly. As one of the assailants charged towards him, eyes fixated on Elsa, Jeremy shifted into full defense mode, prepared to face the impending attack.

The first Lady Dragon soldier lunged at Jeremy with a swift strike, aiming for his chest. Jeremy's reflexes kicked in, allowing him to sidestep the attack gracefully. Taking advantage of the opening, he swiftly countered with a well-timed punch to the assailant's abdomen, causing them to stagger backward, momentarily disoriented.

As Jeremy swiftly turned his attention to the second soldier, they attacked with a series of quick slashes from their sword. Jeremy deftly parried each strike, his movements fluid and precise. With a sudden burst of agility, he spun around, delivering a swift roundhouse kick that sent the second soldier sprawling to the ground and falling off the cliff.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Jeremy's veins as he confronted the third soldier, the most formidable of the trio. The soldier circled him cautiously, studying his every move before launching into a fierce offensive. Their strikes were swift, precise, and filled with deadly intent.

Jeremy skillfully blocked and parried the onslaught, his senses heightened as he anticipated each move. Dodging a powerful swing, he executed a lightning-quick series of strikes, aiming to destabilize his opponent. His fists connected with precision, landing solid blows that momentarily staggered the third soldier. However, the soldier quickly regained their composure, retaliating with a powerful kick that caught Jeremy off guard. He stumbled backward, momentarily vulnerable. Sensing an opportunity, the soldier lunged forward, the sword raised that he was carrying, for a decisive strike. Elsa's heart skipped a beat as she witnessed the danger Jeremy was in. Without hesitation, she sprang into action, her own fighting skills being out into good use. With a high kick, she directed it towards the soldier, causing them to lose their balance and stumble. The distraction provided Jeremy with a critical opening. Seizing the moment, Jeremy swiftly recovered his stance, his determination reignited. With unwavering focus, he launched a flurry of lightning-fast strikes, each one precise and calculated. His fists and feet moved with impeccable speed and accuracy, landing blow after blow on the disoriented soldier. The impact of Jeremy's kicks and punches reverberated through the air, causing the third soldier to stagger further, struggling to maintain their footing. Realizing defeat was imminent, they attempted a desperate counterattack. But Jeremy anticipated their move, expertly dodging the strike and delivering a final, devastating blow. His fist connected with the soldier's jaw, sending them sprawling to the ground, defeated.

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