chapter 521

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It was early the next day when Jeremy received a call from Maricuz.

He had not retrieved his luggage from the resort the previous day, as he did not consider it important at the time. He was confident that they would keep it somewhere safe since he was unable to check out himself. So, when Maricuz called and offered to bring his luggage to him, Jeremy accepted.

Jeremy did not expect Maricuz to still be in Coventina, as she was supposed to have left a week ago. However, since she was able to bring his luggage, Jeremy did not question it much.

When Jeremy informed Elsa about it, he thought she would arrange for someone to pick it up from the resort. He did not expect her to allow Maricuz to bring the luggage over. When Jeremy asked why, Elsa said he should spend more time with his girlfriend.

Jeremy wanted to tell Elsa that he and Maricuz were not a couple, but he found himself unable to say anything. This was because he needed to maintain a barrier between himself and Elsa, reminding himself that despite his love for her, she was now off-limits. Although his relationship with Maricuz was fake, he still felt it helped him keep his relationship with Elsa at a friendship level.

Maricuz arrived at Elsa's villa around 10 am. Due to the tight security, Elsa had to send someone to pick up Maricuz, as there was no way she would have been able to enter the house on her own.

Maricuz entered the large villa, still carrying Jeremy's luggage. She reached the living room and found no one there to receive her, so she comfortably sat on the couch and waited for someone to come down. They knew she was coming, so it was just a matter of seconds.

At that moment, as she sat down, Yuliana happily skipped into the living room. She had been coloring in her sketchbook and had gone to retrieve the color purple, as she had dropped it in her bedroom and it was not in her pencil pouch.

When she returned to the living room, she saw Maricuz seated next to the table where she had been coloring.

Being a polite child, Yuliana went to greet her. "Hello," the child said, extending her arm to greet Maricuz.

Maricuz turned to look at the child in front of her. She examined her face and then looked at the hand extended towards her. The corner of her lips lifted in displeasure and disgust.

She then said to the child, "I know you're not Jeremy's daughter at all. But why do you constantly cling to him like a parasite? Don't you have your own father?"

Hearing those words, Yuliana's smile disappeared and her expression changed to confusion. Her hand dropped as well and came to her side. She did not understand what those words meant.

Seeing the child looking at her with a slight frown, Maricuz spoke to her with anger in her voice, “I have to tolerate Braden because he is Jeremy’s biological son, but I don’t have to put up with you too. I had planned this little trip to spend time with Jeremy, but you two annoying little brats had to ruin all my plans and steal all his time, so I couldn’t even have a moment with him. Who sent you to hang around Jeremy this whole trip? Is it your mommy? Well, too bad for her, because when I become his actual girlfriend, you two little insects will not be allowed near Jeremy ever again.”

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