chapter 541

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"Who are you?" Elsa asked staring at the girl in front of her.

There was just something familiar about her. She reminded her of someone. She reminded her of Gwen.

From the way is spoke, her voice carrying a certain charisma in them, to her body language. She couldn't see her face and her eyes looked chocolate brown, but she still felt like she reminded her of Gwen.

Gwen, on the other hand, felt panic rise within her but she remained as calm as she could. She could not give herself away. She knew the consequences of Elsa learning that she was still alive.

"Elsa, go back home. Your children need you. They cannot lose all their parents," she said this instead of answering her question.

She has been putting up with so much shit just to save Elsa and get her brain tumor removed successfully. She cannot allow Elsa to die in Anastasia's hands now. Because what will all these have been for if she just ends up losing Elsa before she got a chance to help her?

Elsa, however, took a step closer and looked directly in the woman's eyes showing no sign of backing down. "I asked you a question. Who are you?" she asked again.

Her heart was racing as her mind kept comparing this woman to Gwen. For some reason, despite Gwen being dead for more than 3 years now, she still had this familiar feeling when she looked at this woman. A feeling that she might be Gwen?

Just then, she remembered something. She had the same feeling a few months ago. And with a woman who was covered up too. And she sounded familiar too. Elsa's eyes narrowed as she looked at her and asked, "You are the Muslim lady who bumped into me in Serpens when I was with my son, weren't you?"

When Gwen heard that, her heart skipped a beat. She knew Elsa was not stupid, she might pick up on something sooner or later.

She was just about to say something when Elsa suddenly asked suspiciously, "Why are you dressed like one of Roman Hernandez's goons? Did he sent you to spy on me?"

Gwen knew that she couldn't keep conversing with Elsa. This was a girl who knew her better than anyone. She knows her very well and if she keeps this up, Elsa will know who she is.

And then what? Will her twin sister hate her for all the pain she endured when everyone thought she was Gwen? Will she hate her for not helping her?

"You have been warned, Elsa. Stay away from Anastasia if you want to live." After saying this, Gwen wanted to walk away but she barely turned around before she felt Elsa grab her hand and force her to remain still.

When she turned to look at Elsa, she saw now fierce her gaze had become. Looking right into Gwen's eyes, Elsa said with a stern voice leaving no room for negotiation, "You know what? You're not going anywhere until you take off that mask."


I'm so sorry for the delay. Sucks. But... My best friend's daughter woke up a few days ago and she had lost her hearing completely. She cannot hear anything. Taking her to the hospital and everything, being there for her and the mom, has taken up all my free time. We still don't know why she suddenly cannot hear because this was so abrupt and out of nowhere. But hopefully, the doctors can help her. They did say that some people do experience sudden hear loss so it's something that has happened before.

It's scary how someone can just lose one of their senses like that. 

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter.

Also, question. What was your favorite part of this entire book?... Part 1, 2,3,4,5 and 6 included.

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