chapter 522

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Elsa and Jeremy had not talked since Elsa threw Maricuz out of her house.

He also had not talked to her about her saying she doesn't hate him anymore, something that had put him in such a good mood all day, despite that little occurrence with Maricuz.

That night, though, Jeremy decided to try something different. That was why in the evening, he had everything prepared in the back garden.

When it was all done, Jeremy took Elsa outside at 6:30 pm when the sun was setting. A cassette was playing nearby with a song Jeremy thought Elsa would like. It was called "For Better For Worse."

Standing next to Elsa, Jeremy offered his hand with a smile on his handsome face. "May I have this dance, my lady?"

Elsa found herself chuckling. She looked around and saw that the space was big enough for them to dance without Jeremy bumping into anything. She, however, did not know if he could dance without his eyesight, but she was curious. So, with a smile on her face, she took his hand as she said, "Of course you can."

With that, they slow danced to the song playing. The lyrics of it were something that Elsa found curious. It said, "We had our struggles, but the past is the past. All that matters is this love will last. Nothing breaks what is built with trust. We'll be together for better for worse."

The song was sweet, slow, heartwarming, and the singer had perfectly brought out all the emotions in her voice. The song got Elsa enveloped as she was in Jeremy's arms.

Her mind seemed to be teleported elsewhere, a place where there were no worries, no troubles, no danger, no pain, no tears, no sorrow, no fears, no evil, no despair, and no wounds to nurse. It was a place that felt peaceful, calm, and quiet. Her eyes were closed without her even realizing, and she was very relaxed and calm in Jeremy's arms throughout.

The song must have been put on loop because it played for so many minutes. But then, it suddenly stopped.

Elsa opened her eyes when it did, and everything was quiet. The sun had already set, and her surroundings were all dark. Elsa looked at the sky covered with stars and then at her environment.

She thought she would panic but was calm. She looked at the man who was holding her in his arms, only for him to kiss her forehead and say, "I'm so proud of you."

Elsa looked at Jeremy as she waited for her head to tell her that where she was was too dark and make her panic. These past months, Elsa had never left home without a torch in her purse. She even carried two chargers and two power banks because she used her phone's flashlight too much and her phone constantly died.

Last month, Yuliana had asked to go to the movies, but Elsa had to go with her and Braden instead. She couldn't risk it. Who knew when the screen would go black and the entire room would be fully dark? She would have a panic attack if that happened. Her fears were getting too ridiculous for her because no one she knew or anyone knew was afraid of the dark like she was.

When Elsa came to Jeremy for help, it was almost like a last resort because she had even tried hypnosis, which only worked the first night. She was running out of time, and the pleasure of trying 15 other therapists was something she did not have.

So seeing how calm she was at that time, it was unbelievable to her. "Thank you, Jeremy." She felt extremely grateful to Jeremy.

When Jeremy heard that, he just nodded shyly. Then, he asked, "Do you think you're ready to sleep without the lights?"

It had been just a week now since she began therapy, even though she had made such quick progress, she wasn't sure if she was ready. "I... I think I need more time."

"Okay... That's okay. You've already made so much progress, so I'm sure you'll achieve that too."


The next day, Elsa thought that they would dance together again, only for Jeremy to tell her that he was going to have dinner with Maricuz that evening, so they would have to skip their session.

Not expecting that, Elsa was taken aback. However, she also became curious about Jeremy's relationship with Maricuz.

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