chapter 531

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Hey! I'm back with this chapter... It's short because I had very little time to write it and I just wanted to give you something today. I'll try to update soon.

 I'll try to update soon

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The question lingered in the air, weighing heavily on Elsa's mind. She couldn't help but pause, her thoughts swirling amidst a flood of emotions. Glancing at Gwen, she noticed the forced smile adorning her face, a facade barely concealing her discomfort.

The words slipped out before Elsa could fully process them. "Did you and Lui ever date?" she asked, only to immediately retract her question. "Wait, you're just my imagination. You would only know what I know."

Gwen's reaction to Elsa's realization was a mix of conflicting emotions. She couldn't bring herself to be angry at Elsa, even if she chose to pursue a relationship with Lui. After all, Lui had never been Gwen's boyfriend, and their connection had never truly blossomed. There was no reason for Gwen to harbor resentment.

If Elsa and Lui wished to be together, Gwen couldn't find a valid reason to stand in their way. Especially considering the pain Elsa had endured on Gwen's behalf. Elsa had suffered greatly, and Gwen felt indebted to her. The agony she had endured made Gwen hesitant to reveal her continued existence to Elsa.

What if Elsa asked why Gwen hadn't come to her rescue when she needed her the most? How could Gwen explain everything? Would Elsa understand the sacrifices Gwen had made, the lengths she had gone to ensure her sister's survival?

"Fair enough," Gwen responded, her voice laced with a dry smile. Elsa believed she was imaginary, and Gwen couldn't reveal the truth just yet.

Gwen's gaze shifted downward, her eyes fixed on the floor, and a pout formed on her lips. She took a deep breath, fighting back the tears threatening to escape. Slowly, she lifted her head, locking eyes with Elsa's vibrant green gaze.

"Elsa, I want to tell you everything. Everything that happened from before I died, to Jeremy's mistreatment of you when he mistook you for me, to what transpired between Lui and me, to the events after my death, and why you're seeing me now, here in this hospital. But I can only do so if you answer me this one question," Gwen said, her smile fading into a frown as she shrugged.

Elsa's curiosity and confusion deepened, her brows furrowing slightly as she sat up straight. "Wait, there's an explanation for everything? And you know it?"

Gwen nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "Yes, I know everything."

"Then tell me. Tell me everything. What does my subconscious know that I don't?" Elsa's curiosity burned, her mind racing with unanswered questions. Even Jeremy had never provided a satisfactory explanation for his intense hatred toward Gwen. Elsa had assumed it stemmed from the scandalous story that had spread online, but could there be more to the story?

"I will answer you. I'll tell you everything, but only if you can answer me this one question," Gwen stated, her eyes fixated on Elsa.

Impatiently, Elsa nodded, urging Gwen to proceed. "What is it, Gwen? What do you want to know?"

Gwen's eyes narrowed as she tilted her head slightly, a mix of vulnerability and determination in her gaze. She asked, "Are you happy?"

Elsa's expression turned blank as she took a deep breath, absorbing the weight of Gwen's question. The room fell silent, anticipation hanging in the air.

Gwen pressed on, her voice filled with sincerity. "Are you happy being with Lui? Are you happy embracing the role of Lui's future wife?"

Then, with a smile and a teardrop, Gwen asked, "And are you happy being a mother to Yuliana?"

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